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{builder-show:title=Links - Quick Reference}{excerpt}This page provides a quick-reference guide to the parameters and features of the [menulink macro] and [compound-menuitem macro] (click for more information when/where to use each macro).{excerpt}{builder-show}

(!) This page is still under construction - some parameters and destinations are not yet listed

h2. Parameters

The *Ver* column denotes the minimum version of Theme Builder that is required.

The following parameters are available in both the [menulink macro] and [compound-menuitem macro]:

|| Parameter || Required || Default || Description || Ver ||
|| _default_ |(/)| | Defines the type of link to output (see [#Destinations] and [#Aliases] below).| 2.0.0 |
|| accesskey |(x)| | Assign a [access key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_keys] (alpha or numeric keyboard shortcut) to the link. {footnote}When using links inside menus, you can also prefix a letter in the link text with an "_" to define the access key - this letter will then be underlined when displayed in the menu. Access keys only work when the associated item is visible on screen.{footnote} | |
|| checkexists |(x)|{{false}}| Determines how the "userspace" destination will work:
* *{{false}}* -- link to personal space if it exists, otherwise link to user profile
* {{true}} -- only output a link if the personal space exists | |
|| class |(x)| | Adds one or more classes to the link, for use with [CSS Selectors|http://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_syntax.asp]. | |
|| force |(x)|{{false}}| Determines how the "comments" or "children" destinations function:
* *{{false}}* -- only output the link if the are comments or children (as applicable)
* {{true}} -- always output the link, even if there are no comments or children (as applicable) | |
|| forceicon |(x)|{{false}}| Defines the scenarios in which icons, if specified by the "icon" parameter, will be displayed:
* *{{false}}* -- only display icons if enabled on the layout's [Menus Tab]
* {{true}} -- always output the icon | |
||hideanon|(x)|{{false}}|Determines if the link is hidden from anonymous (not logged in) users:
* *{{false}}* -- don't hide from anonymous users (default)
* {{true}} - always hide from anonymous users, even if they have privileges to use the link|3.0.0|
|| icon |(x)| | Specifies an icon to display to the left of the link. See [menuicon macro] for examples and a directory of icons. |3.0.2|
|| imginside |(x)|{{false}}| Determines where an icon is displayed:
* *{{false}}* -- the icon is shown outside the link 
* {{true}} -- the icon is shown inside the link | |
|| key |(x)| | When used with the "webui" destination, this defines the link _key_. {div:class=smalltext}Deprecated -- use [#Aliases] instead.{div} | 2.0.8 |
|| latch |(x)|{{false}}| Determines the effect of the "use-layout" destination:
* *{{false}}* --  use the layout for the next page view only, then revert to the normal layout
* {{true}} -- use the layout for all pages viewed for remainder of the session | 3.0 |
|| layout |(x)| | When using the "use-layout" destination, defines the ID of the layout to use. {div:class=smalltext}Note: Theme Builder versions prior to 3.3 incorrectly stated this parameter to be "layoutId" (wrong) instead of "layout" (correct).{div}| 3.0 |
|| link |(x)| | When using the "custom" destination, defines the URL to use for the link. {div:class=smalltext}Tip: Centrally define and manage custom links via the [MenulinksMenulink Aliases Tab]{div} | |
|| location |(x)| | When used with the "webui" destination, this defines the link _location_. {div:class=smalltext}Deprecated -- use [#Aliases] instead.{div} | 2.0.8 |
|| page |(x)|_current page_| For [#Destinations] that would normally apply to the current page, you can use this parameter to specify a different page by it's page title. | {footnote}For Confluence 2.5 and above, use Theme Builder 2.0.7 or later to ensure this parameter works correctly.{footnote} |
|| parent |(x)|_space home page_| Defines the parent that the "exportMail" destination will use when exporting mail archive messages to wiki pages. | |
|| size |(x)|{{16}}| The size of the icon (if applicable) in pixels. | |
|| space |(x)|_current space_| For [#Destinations] that would normally apply to the current space, or a page in that space, you can use this parameter to specify a different space by it's space key. | |
|| target |(x)|{{\_self}}| Defines the [link target|http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_target.asp], eg. {{\_blank}} to open the link in a new window. | 2.0.9 |
|| title |(x)| | Allows you to pre-define the title of new pages created with the "newpage" destination - if the title already exists, an incrementing number will be appended to the end to ensure a unique title. | |
|| toggle |(x)| | Defines the ID of the HTML element to toggle when using the "toggleVisibility" destination. | 3.0 |
|| tooltip |(x)| | Defines the tooltip that will be displayed when hovering over the link.{footnote}When using the link in a menu, tooltips will only be shown if enabled in theme configuration. In all other formats, the tooltip will always be shown when the mouse hovers over the link.{footnote} | |


{builder-hide:title=menuicon macro}
The following parameters are only available in the [compound-menuitem macro]:

|| Parameter || Required || Default || Description || Ver ||
|| autohide |(x)|{{true}}| Determines how inactive links{footnote}Links will be inactive if the user does not have sufficient privileges or the link is not applicable to the current area within Confluence.{footnote} are treated:
* *{{true}}* -- the item will not be output if inactive
* {{false}} -- the item will always be shown regardless of whether it contains a hyperlink or not
* {{disabled}} -- the item will always be shown, but if it doesn't contain a hyperlink it will be "visually" disabled when displayed in a menu (e.g. grey text and faded icon)| |
|| flat |(x)|{{false}}| Determines whether the link will be wrapped in a list item:
* *{{false}}* -- output the link within a list item, for use in menus
* {{true}} -- output a basic text link (with icon if specified) | |
|| id |(x)| | Defines the HTML ID to associate with the list item that wraps the link (not applicable if {{flat=true}}). Must be unique for the entire web page.| |


h2. Destinations

|| Destination || Description ||
| advanced | go to advanced config page |
| children | show/hide children toggle |
| comments | show/hide comments toggle |
| configuretheme | configure the theme |
| copy | copy the current page |
| dashboard | go to dashboard |
| edit | edit the current page |
| exportMail | export email to page |
| exportPDF | export page to pdf |
| exportWord | export page to word doc |
| favourite | add page to favourites |
| favouritespace | add space to favourites |
| globaltemplates | display list of global templates |
| history | show account history |
| home | go to space home page |
| index | go to space index |
| information | show page information |
| labels | show labels heatmap |
| login | go to login screen |
| logout | log out |
| mail | show space email |
| map | go to space map |
| newcomment | add a comment |
| newnews | create a new blogpost |
| newpage | create a new page |
| newspace | create a new space |
| news | view space news |
| normalView | view page as normal |
| pageattachments | show page attachments |
| viewattachments | show page attachments without checking attachment permission |
| printableView | view page as printable |
| profile | show user profile |
| recent | view recently updated in space |
| remove | delete the current page |
| RSS | go to rss feed editor |
| search | links to the search screen |
| signup | create a new account |
| siteadmin | go to site administration |
| spaceadmin | go to space administration |
| colourscheme | go to colour scheme selector |
| spaceattachments | display space attachments |
| spacetemplates | display list of space templates |
| userspace | show user's space |
| watch | watch current page/space |
| watchspace | watch current space |
| custom | define a custom link |
| toggleVisibility | toggle the visibility of an html element |
| people | show the people directory |
| activity | show site/space activity |
| webui | show a webui link, requires location & key parameters |
| use-layout | change the layout |
| wikipage | link to the page specified by the page & space parameters |
| next | the next sibling page |
| prev | the previous sibling page |
| first | the first sibling page |
| last | the last sibling page |
| parent | the current page's parent |
| firstchild | the first child page |
| lastchild | the last child page |
| notationguide | link to the macro notation guide |
| managelayouts | link to manage layouts |
| pageView | view the current page in normal mode |
| viewSource | view the wiki markup source of the current page |
| editinword | edit the current page using MS-Word (requires the office connector plugin)|

h2. Aliases

(i) This feature requires Theme Builder 3.3 or above.

You can create any number of custom destinations via the [Menulink Aliases Tab]. Once defined, the alias can be used in the _default_ parameter of the [menulink macro] and [compound-menuitem macro] just like any of the [#Destinations] listed above.

A number of pre-defined aliases are available for linking to features in popular third-party plugins:

|| Alias || Destination || Plugin ||
| pagewatcher | system.page:pagewatcher |
| newswatcher | system.news:newswatcher |
| pagefavourites | system.page:pagefavourites |
| newsfavourites | system.news:newsfavourites |
| emailpage | system.page.operations:mail-page |
| addgliffydiagram | system.space.actions:gliffy_system_space_add_diagram_action |
| admingliffy | system.admin/administration:gliffyshowadminwebitem |
| podcastpage | system.page:podcast-episode-page-webui |
| podcastnews | system.news:podcast-episode-blogpost-webui |
| podcastchannels | system.space:space-podcast-channel-webui |
| customusermanagement | system.space:space-custom-usermanagement |
| editgridaddbook | system.space.action:editgrid-space-add-book |
| inviteothersadmin | system.space.admin/security:admin.invitelink |
| invitelistadmin | system.space.admin/security:admin.invitelistlink |
| inviteothers | system.space.advanced/advanced:advanced.invitelink |
| invitelist | system.space.advanced/advanced:advanced.invitelink |
| invite | system.space.actions:space.invitelink |
| review | system.page:review |
| reviewreport | system.space:space-markforreview-report |
| reviewspaceconfig | system.space.admin/security:configure-markforreview-space |
| reviewglobalconfig | system.space.admin/security:configure-markforreview-global |
| space-socialbookmarks | system.space:space-socialbookmarks |
| addbookmark | system.space.actions:addbookmark |
| config-approvals | system.admin:approvalsWorkflowConfig |
| manage-approvals | system.space.admin:editspaceapprovals |
| space-approvals | system.space:space-approvals |
| page-approvals | system.page:page-approvals |
| released-approvals | system.page:released |

When you first use any of the aliases listed above, an entry will automatically be added to the list of aliases on the [Menulink Aliases Tab].