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h2. Welcome to the Theme Builder User Guide!

{excerpt}Adaptavist's Theme Builder plugin allows you to quickly and easily customise the design and navigation of Confluence to aid adoption and coordinate with existing web services.{excerpt}

{note}We are currently re-working this section of our user guides to split the documentation by Theme Builder version. If you have any problems finding information, please let us know.{note}

{lozenge:title=Installing Builder|link=Installing Builder|icon=!Builder^cubes.png!}{excerpt-include:Installing Builder|nopanel=true}{lozenge} \\ 
{lozenge:title=Menus|link=Menus|icon=!Builder^branch.png!}{excerpt-include:Menus|nopanel=true}{lozenge} \\
{lozenge:title=Troubleshooting|link=Builder Troubleshooting|icon=!Builder^debug.png!}Common issues and how ot fix them...{lozenge}
{lozenge:title=Theme Configuration|link=Theme Configuration|icon=!Builder^colors.png!}Find out how to customise the theme...{lozenge} \\ 
{lozenge:title=CSS Custom Styles|link=CSS Custom Styles|icon=!Builder^pens.png!}Fine tune your theme with CSS...{lozenge} \\
{lozenge:title=Builder Macros|link=Builder Macros|icon=!Confluence^components.png!}The theme includes lots of macros to automate common tasks...{lozenge}

\\ {center}[Release Notes|Builder Release Notes] | [Builder System Requirements] | [Performance Tuning]{center}