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Sample Theme


Here you will find some example theme configs which you can use as a basis for your own theme.

Installing a theme config

For theme configurations which do not use any resources (images, css files etc) installing a theme config is just a case of uploading the xml backup file. In those cases that the theme does use images or css then these resource files need to be uploaded to confluence, attached to a page that is visible to those users who will be viewing the space. Often the resource files are uploaded to the space home page.

Modifying a theme config

Once this is done the page ID that the attachments have been uploaded to should be noted, this is most easily done by right-clicking on a link to one of the resources and copying the link URL. The theme config backup file then needs to be loaded into a text editor, such as notepad or SciTE and a search/replace performed.

We have specially modified the files attached to these pages so that you can copy the path from the url to one of the attachments and use it to replace the "%%RESOURCEPATH%%" string in the file.

Getting the resource path

The URL that you copied from the attachments screen will probably be similar to this:

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The part of the URL that you are after is the bit inbetween the port/domain name and the resource filename, eg:


Builder is a very flexible theme and you can use it to create all kinds of different designs. The theme configuration files attached to this page should help illustrate how you can achieve various layouts, designs and navigation.

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