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The contents of panels can contain anything from static wiki markup, macros, user macros, Scriptix macros, XSLT, HTML and more:

– pic showing some basic markup –Image Added

You can use virtually any Confluence macro, including those included with Confluence, Theme Builder and even third-party macros, to create dynamic and automated panel content.


This new feature allows you to completely customise the printable view for any layout. Simply create a layout that's designed to be printer friendly and set it as the printable view for any other layout! – pic of super-printable layout –Click the printer icon at the top of this page for an example.

Page-Level Layouts

Using simple macros, you can now choose a completely different layout on a page-by-page basis. This is a great way to create highly customised space home pages for example:


We all know that Internet Explorer is is a bit buggy and needs CSS hacks to force it to do the most basic things. Rather than require lots of weird CSS markup, we've provided a separate CSS setting that only gets loaded if the browser is Internet Explorer and you can even control which version using a "conditional if".

Prolific CSS

The CSS you add doesn't just customise the theme elements - it lets you customise content, third-party macros and pretty much everything else that appears anywhere within the wiki.
