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We've invested considerable effort in making Theme Builder upgrade-friendly.

There's 3 ways to customise Confluence themes, which one sounds best to you?

  1. Use the default theme and edit it's Velocity templates - each time you upgrade Confluence they get reset to default and you'll find yourself doing diffs to merge in your previous changes (not nice!)
  2. Create a bespoke Java theme plugin - takes longer and requires skilled developers to maintain (expensive!)
  3. Use our Theme Builder plugin - you can upgrade Confluence and it keeps working! Adaptavist always testing the plugin on each new release of Confluence and release ad-hoc upgrades to solve any issues that arise.

By using Theme Builder, you've got one less thing to worry about when migrating to a new version of ConfluenceSee Builder - The Alternatives to find out why this theme makes your life easier.

Version Numbers

By popular request we've added an option to display the Theme Builder and Confluence version numbers at the bottom of pages making it easier to handle support calls:
