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{builder-show} Macro


The builder-show macro is


used to show content in specific contexts, modes and other filters



Code Block
stuff to show


Some parameters, marked "Theme Only", can only be used within Builder theme panels, ie. you cannot use them within pages, etc.

The "Ver" column shows which version of Theme Builder the parameter became available in.





Theme Panels Only




all decorators

Only show the content when a specific decorator us being used, eg. "printable", etc.





all actions

Only show the content for specific action(s), eg. "viewpage". NB: The ".action" part of the action name should not be included.





all contexts

Only show the content for specific context(s), eg. "page", "global", etc.





all modes

Only show the content for specific modes, eg. "view", "edit", etc.






Only show the content if a specific space (referred to by the Space Key) exists.






Only show the content if a specific page (referred to by the page title) exists.






Only show the content if the current page has a specific title






Only show the content if the the current location (page, news, etc) has the specified label(s), eg. "my:favourite", "meetings", etc.






Only show the content if the the current space has the specified label(s), eg. "meetings", etc.






Only show the content if the the current space has the specified team label(s), eg. "sales,marketing", etc.






Metadata associated with the current location in the format: "myKey1:myValue1", etc.





All users

A comma separated list of usernames. Use @anonymous for anonymous users only.





All groups

A comma separated list of user groups. Use @anonymous for anonymous users only.





Any permission

A comma separated list of permissions:

  • view - user has view permission
  • comment - user can add comments
  • createpage - user can create pages
  • createnews - user can create news
  • edit - user can edit pages or news
  • remove - user can remove (delete) pages, news or comments
  • attach - user can attach files
  • export - user can export pages or the space
  • createspace - user can create spaces
  • spaceadmin - user is a space admin
  • siteadmin - user is a site admin






Should parent pages (if applicable) be checked for title, labels and metadata?

  • false - only check the current page (default)
  • true - also check parent pages, eg. does the current page or any of it's parents have the specified label, etc.



While none of the parameters are mandatory, you must specify at least one of them for this macro to work.

You can specify multiple values for any parameter, for example:

Code Block
stuff to show

In the example above, "stuff to show" would only be shown if the content is being shown in "view" or "edit" mode and is also either a "page" or "blogpost".

Contexts, Modes and Decorators

You can determine the context and mode for any page by viewing the page source using your browser. A HTML comment output at the top of all pages shows the context and mode for each page.

View example...
View example...

If you view the HTML source of this web page you'll see the following:

No Format
<!-- main.vmd
  themebuilder : 'com.adaptavist.confluence.sitebuilder.SiteBuilderVelocityHelper@524c9770'/'$themebuilder.initialise'
  spaceKey : 'USERGUIDE'
  pageId : '10583'
  currentURL : '/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=USERGUIDE&title=builder-show+macro&focusedCommentId=11666379'
  contextPath : ''
  spaceName : 'User Guides'
  decorator : '$decorator'
  printable : 'false'
  mailId : '$mailId'
  mode : 'view'
  context : 'page'

You can specify multiple contexts and modes by separating them with commas as shown in the usage example earlier. For the macro content to show, all contexts and modes specified must match.


Display content on news items
Display content on news items

To display some content only on news items (blogposts), you must use the macro within a panel in the Builder theme:

Code Block
{menulink:news}Back to News Summary{menulink}
Display content on pages and news items
Display content on pages and news items

To show something in multiple contexts, simply separate them with commas:

Code Block
something to show
Display content in edit mode
Display content in edit mode

When you change the view of something, eg. look at the normal view or editable view, the "mode" changes and you can take advantage of this to customise your theme depending on which mode is currently active. For example, if you only want to show something when it's being edited (eg. editing a page or news item), use the following:

Code Block
something to show

You can show something in multiple modes by separating them with commas:

Code Block
something to show
Specific modes within specific contexts
Specific modes within specific contexts

If you only want to show something in view mode within the context of a page, use the following:

Code Block
something to show

When more than one parameter of the macro is specified, both parameters must match so in the example above the user must be looking at a page context in view mode.

You can specify multiple modes and contexts, for example:

Code Block
something to show

In the example above, the content would be shown if the user is looking at either a "page" or a "blogpost" (news item) that must also be in either the "view" or "edit" mode.

Display content based on labels
Display content based on labels

You can display content if the current location has one or more of the specified labels:

Code Block
This stuff is either in my favourites list or something to do with meetings!

Beware! Most people assume that only pages and news articles can have labels, but this is not the case. When viewing space-level pages that aren't normal content pages or news articles, for example when viewing the space labels or even space admin, this macro uses any defined space labels and even team labels.

Displaying content if a space exists
Displaying content if a space exists

You can show content only if a space exists by specifying it's space key as follows:

Code Block
Here's some info about the accounts space, but you'll only see this
if you have privileges to access the accounts space.

As you can see, this is ideal for customising content based on which spaces a user has privilegs to access.

Display content based on existence of a page
Display content based on existence of a page

You can display content only if a specific page exists:

Code Block
{builder-show:page=My Page}
{include:My Page}

In the example shown above, we only include the page if it exists. This hides the nasty error message that the include macro generates if that page does not exist. While it might seem a little strange to only show things if a specific page exists (especially considering you know the title of that page), it's extremely useful in scenarios where you are using templates and only want to show content or links if a specific page exists within the current space.

Display content if the page has a parent
Display content if the page has a parent

You can show content only if the current page has a parent page using the following notation:

Code Block
This page has a parent page!

This is useful because you often want to include additional navigation on pages that have a parent page, for example you might want to include the scrollbar macro to show a linear navigation bar.

Pages which don't have a parent are:

  • The space homepage
  • Orphan pages (pages within a space that don't have a parent)
Display content for specific page titles
Display content for specific page titles

You can display content if the current page has a specific title, for example:

Code Block
{builder-show:title=My Homepage}
Hi all, this must be my home page because it's title is "My Homepage"!

This can come in handy if you are using templates to generate content and want to show something based on the page title.

Another use is if users are constantly using a page title that causes problems, for exmaple they might call a page "Meetings" and you want them to call it "yyyy/mm/dd - Meeting with x, y, z") - as such you could add this to the Title panel within theme configuration:

Code Block
You muppet! Use a more descriptive page title that includes
the date (and time if appropriate), type of meeting and who
was involved, etc.

OK, you might not want to be that harsh in explaining to users that "Meeting" isn't a great page title and that they should use something more descriptive, but you get the general idea.

Another use is to add labels to pages based on their title:

Code Block

Simply add that to the Header panel in theme config and any page called "Home" will get a label of "home-page" added to it thanks to the add-label macro. This is useful because it allows you to search all home pages within the site!

Displaying content based on metadata
Displaying content based on metadata

Enter a list of metadata keys or metadata key:value pairs, if the metadata is found then the item will be shown/hidden. Ths check is recursable.

CSS Customisation

Not applicable for this macro.

Hints and Tips

You can use this macro, and the associated builder-hide macro to customise navigation and panel content depending on what the user is looking at.

When using either the mode, context or decorator parameters, remember that they only work if used within a panel of the Builder theme. If you put them inside a normal page, etc., they won't work. Even if you use the move-to macro to move something from a page in to a panel, it still won't work - the mode, context and decorator settings will only work if the macro is actually in the panel notation in the theme cofiguration settings.

If you need to show or hide content based on the privileges within a space, use the show-if or hide-if macros that be found in the Visibility Plugin.

Frequently Asked Questions

None at present.

See Also