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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Hi there. I have a strange issue with Builder v3.3.4-conf210 with Confluence v3.0.0_01 where the HTML cache headers are showing up in the page. The items listed below show up at the top of the page as part of the content.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">

Here is an image with a screenshot:


If I code a view-source, here is what I see:

Code Block
<meta id="confluence-context-path" name="confluence-context-path" content="/wiki">
<META name="Generator" content="Adaptavist Theme Builder 3.3.4-conf210">
&lt;META HTTP-EQUIV=&quot;Pragma&quot; CONTENT=&quot;no-cache&quot;&gt;
&lt;META HTTP-EQUIV=&quot;Cache-Control&quot; CONTENT=&quot;no-cache&quot;&gt;
&lt;META HTTP-EQUIV=&quot;Expires&quot; CONTENT=&quot;-1&quot;&gt;

You'll notice that the greater-than and less-than are escaped into their HTML safe-counterpart. How can I resolve this? Is this a known issue? Thanks
