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Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Who should upgrade?

We recommend that all users of Confluence 3.3+, 3.4+ and Theme Builder 4.1+ should upgrade to this release.


  • Confluence 3.4 support
  • Removed all use of DWR (including Manage Layouts and PageTree2)
  • Only actual changes are submitted from Manage Layouts now - so you are less likely to conflict with anyone else working on the same layout
  • Resources are now copied when a layout is duplicated in the layout manager
  • Ensure default layout is cached
  • Updated moveto and movetarget help pages
  • Link help icon in all Theme Builder admin pages to the Theme Builder docs and removed 'Online User Guide' link from the sidebar
  • Show space admin sidebar when in Theme Builder space admin pages
  • Made breadcrumb trail consistent in all Theme Builder admin & space admin pages
  • Fix date in tooltip when hover over a comment date
  • Close gap above breadcrumbs in IE8
  • Improve error reporting in Manage Layouts
  • Fixed css/urls for the empty image value (background-image: none rather than url(.png))
  • Relaxed admin link (web-item) display permissions from system admin to confluence admin
  • Fixed missing quick search text
  • Fixed macro browser dialog positioning in IE
  • Fixed themeadmin destination in menulink macro
  • Updated mail.vmd date formatting to match the default confluence mail.vmd
  • Don't link to builder admin pages if user is not an admin
  • Removed old Builder Admin UI
  • Complete i18n coverage in new Builder Admin pages
  • Fixed display of 'Teams' criteria when filtered
  • Allow space admins to create children of the DEFAULT layout
  • Fixed Page Restrictions dialog
  • Fix to ensure admin sees all spaces in the Manage Spaces table
  • Fixed links to Manage Layouts and Manage Spaces from the layout chooser.
  • Fixed space reordering in Space Admin > Set Parent Space
  • Prevent row cells from wrapping in Manage Spaces when zooming in/out in Chrome
  • Prevent login page from loading into Manage Layouts tabs when not logged in
  • Fixed 'Switchable Layouts' token list builder in Manage Layouts
