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Page Settings


Page settings change the way all pages within a space are presented...

The "Page Settings" panel is part of the Builder Theme Configuration screen:

Image Removed

Page Width


h1. Page Settings

*{excerpt}Page settings change the way all pages within a space are presented...{excerpt}*

The "Page Settings" panel is part of the Builder [Theme Configuration] screen:


h2. Page Width

*Availability:* Builder 1.4.2 and above


*Default:* 750px


This setting defines how wide the pages should be - either as a fixed number of pixels or as a percentage of the width of the web browser window that's being used to view your site.


Example widths:





Default size, generally places the page as a central banner within the browser window as seen on our website.


Makes the page stretch to fit the width of the browser window.


Makes the page full half the width of the browser window.

It should be noted that the smallest screen resolution these days is around 800px x 600px (width x height). As such, we reccommend that if you use a fixed width you do not exceed any more than 770px to avoid dreadful horizontal scrolling (something end-users loathe). Remember that some of the screen width is taken up by scrollbars, shortcut bars, quicklaunch bars, etc., depending on the configuration of the end-user's machine.

Show Information Panel

Availability: Builder 1.5 and above
Default: Enabled (show the information bar)

The information bar appears at the top of pages and newsitems and lists:

  • Author
  • Last Editor (and date)
  • Change comment (if applicable)
  • Page lables
  • Favourites button
  • Watch page button

In many cases, this information is useful and desirable - such as in this user guide.

However, for glossy websites and/or intranets, this information is not needed and clutters up the top of the screen. To hide the information bar (and therefore all the items in the list above), de-select this setting.

Note: Prior to Builder 1.6, some plugins would fail when the information bar was not shown. Builder 1.6 and above resolves that issue.

Enable PNG Support

Availability: Builder 1.5 and above. Became optional in 1.6 and above.
Default: Enabled (support for PNG images)

Builder 1.5 added full support for PNG image alpha-transparency support for Internet Explorer 5.5 and above.

Internet Explorer versions between 5.5 and 7.0 don't display PNG images properly. Instead of having transparent regions a pale blue colour is shown.

When selected, this option performs some magic to make sure that Internet Explorer 5.5 and above correctly display transparent regions in PNG images.

If you do not plan on using any PNG images that have alpha-transparency, or if nobody uses Internet Explorer to access your site, you can safely disable PNG support.

By disabling PNG support, you reduce the amount of work the web browser has to do in order to display a page, thus making your site seem more responsive.

Remove Dashboard from Breadcrumb Trail

Availability: Builder 1.5 and above. Distinct option in 1.6 and above.
Default: Disabled (show Dashboard link)

Builder 1.5 made it possible to remove the Dashboard link from The Breadcrumb Trail using CSS. Builder 1.6 and above makes this even more trivial by providing a checkbox setting within Page Settings.


|750px|Default size, generally places the page as a central banner within the browser window as seen on [our website|http://adaptavist.com].|
|100%|Makes the page stretch to fit the width of the browser window.|
|50%|Makes the page full half the width of the browser window.|
It should be noted that the smallest screen resolution these days is around 800px x 600px (width x height). As such, we reccommend that if you use a fixed width you do not exceed any more than 770px to avoid dreadful horizontal scrolling (something end-users loathe). Remember that some of the screen width is taken up by scrollbars, shortcut bars, quicklaunch bars, etc., depending on the configuration of the end-user's machine.

h2. Show Information Panel

*Availability:* Builder 1.5 and above
*Default:* Enabled (show the information bar)

The information bar appears at the top of pages and newsitems and lists:

* Author
* Last Editor (and date)
* Change comment (if applicable)
* Page lables
* Favourites button
* Watch page button

In many cases, this information is useful and desirable - such as in this user guide.

However, for glossy websites and/or intranets, this information is not needed and clutters up the top of the screen. To hide the information bar (and therefore all the items in the list above), de-select this setting.

Note: Prior to Builder 1.6, some plugins would fail when the information bar was not shown. Builder 1.6 and above resolves that issue.

h2. Enable PNG Support

*Availability:* Builder 1.5 and above. Became optional in 1.6 and above.
*Default:* Enabled (support for PNG images)

Builder 1.5 added full support for PNG image alpha-transparency support for Internet Explorer 5.5 and above.

Internet Explorer versions between 5.5 and 7.0 don't display PNG images properly. Instead of having transparent regions a pale blue colour is shown.

When selected, this option performs some magic to make sure that Internet Explorer 5.5 and above correctly display transparent regions in PNG images.

If you do not plan on using any PNG images that have alpha-transparency, or if nobody uses Internet Explorer to access your site, you can safely disable PNG support.

By disabling PNG support, you reduce the amount of work the web browser has to do in order to display a page, thus making your site seem more responsive.

h2. Remove Dashboard from Breadcrumb Trail

*Availability:* Builder 1.5 and above. Distinct option in 1.6 and above.
*Default:* Disabled (show Dashboard link)

Builder 1.5 made it possible to remove the Dashboard link from [The Breadcrumb Trail] using CSS. Builder 1.6 and above makes this even more trivial by providing a checkbox setting within Page Settings.

When ticked, this setting will cause the "Dashboard" link to dissapear from the start of the breadcrumb trail.