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Wiki Markup
h1. Automated Menu Creation

*{excerpt}This tutorial shows you how to use the [Macros] to automatically generate self-updating menus...{excerpt}*

There are three scenarios where you might want to automate the structure of your menus:

* You have a big menu structure that matches the structure of content in your [space|Spaces]
* You want to allow other people to add content and have the menus automatically updated
* You're lazy (a bit like me) and don't want to type loads of [Wiki Markup Editor] to create your menus

If any of those describe you, read on :)

But first, there are some scenarios where you might want to _avoid_ automating menus:

* Automated menus can't have icons in them (yet... we're working on that feature)
* Automated menus have limited ordering options (alphabetically, date, etc) - if you want a very specific order to items, you'll have to manually add them.
* You can't define custom on-screen text or tool tips when using macros (unless they specifically support such a feature)

So, assuming that you still want to automate your menus, let's begin...

h2. Macros to the Rescue

You can use *any* macro that outputs an unordered bullet list of items within a menu. :D Let's take a look at two of them...

h3. \{children} macro

This is by far the most common macro to make it's way in to the menu settings:

* {menu}[Builder] 

The [children macro] basically creates a bulleted list of child pages from a given starting point. The example shown above would look something like this if you put it on a page:


* {menu}

And produces the following menu:


As you can see, there's no other items showing - that's because this page doesn't have any children. However, if we were on a page with children then the list would be generated.

To ensure that children are listed from a specific starting point, use the ??page?? parameter as follows:

* {menu}[Builder] 

Which would give:


* {menu}

Which results in the menu:


Voila! That's exactly{footnote}Well, not quite. We use the ??depth=2?? parameter of the [children macro] to automatically create sub-menus for any pages that themselves have children.{footnote} how the ??Builder?? menu and most other menus are created at the top of pages in this user guide.


h3. \{incoming-links} macro

The [incoming-links macro] lists pages that link to the current page. As such, if you're on a page that nothing links to, it won't output anything{footnote}The [incoming-links macro] actually allows you to specify what to output if there are no incoming links:
{incoming-links:style=disc}* No incoming links{incoming-links}
{noformat}{footnote}. However, as something does link to this page, we will get some output:

{noformat}* [Automated Menu Creation] {incoming-links:style=disc}{incoming-links}

As you can see, this macro needs to be told to output as a bulleted list (by default it outputs with icons, but not the sort that are usable in the menu) and because the macro can have a body we've had to include the closing tag as well.

On screen, for this specific page, the macro would display:

* [Automated Menu Creation] {incoming-links:style=disc}{incoming-links}


h3. Our Navigate Menu

While writing this tutorial, we got a bit carried away playing around with other macros and came up with the idea of a navigate menu:

* Navigate
** Incoming Links {incoming-links:style=disc}* No incoming links{incoming-links}
** Child Pages {children}
** ----
** Page Headings {toc:style=disc|maxLevel=5}

Be warned, if you add this menu, it can get very big! We've included it here as an example of the different types of macros that can be used.

Have fun!