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h1. Installing Builder

*{excerpt}Installing and upgrading the Builder theme...{excerpt}*

h2. Requirements

* Check the [System Requirements]
* The {builder} theme requires Confluence 2.1.12 - 2.2.10. *Builder does not currently run on Confluence 2.3.*
* You must have system administration privileges to install the theme
* You must have sufficient privileges to restart {confluence}
* You must have correctly set the *Base URL* in Confluence's [General Configuration] settings.

h2. Installing the Builder Plugin

{note}If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Builder, please see the important notes on [upgrading Builder|#Upgrading Builder] later in this tutorial.{note}

Take a full backup of Confluence then follow the instructions applicable to the [version of the Builder theme|Builder Release Notes] you are using as shown below:

For best results, we recomment using Builder 2.0 or above and use of the [Confluence Repository Client] to install the plugins.

h3. Builder 2.0 and above

Before installing Builder 2.0, please install the latest versions of the following plugins:

* [Page Information Plugin] ([CONFEXT|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Page+Information+Plugin])
* [Content Formatting Macros] ([CONFEXT|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Content+Formatting+Macros])

NB: To get the very latest versions of these plugins you might need to configure the repository client to show "All Versions" of plugins.

You can then install the [Builder Theme] using the plugin repository client.

h3. Builder 1.5.x and 1.6.x

Upload the .jar file using the [Plugin Manager] in the [Administration Console] and restart {confluence}.

Once installed, you will need to apply the theme to a space (see [Enabling the Theme]).

h2. Upgrading Builder

Before upgrading Builder, please take a full backup and ensure that you have uninstalled any previous versions:

* If you manually installed the plugin to the WEB-INF/lib folder, you must manually delete that file
* If you uploaded via the [Plugin Manager], select the "Site Builder" plugin from within the [Plugin Manager] and click the "Uninstall Plugin" link to remove it{footnote}On some occasions, you may get an error message stating that the plugin could not be uninstalled. Should this happen, restart Confluence and try again.{footnote}

After uninstalling any previous versions, you can install the new version as described earlier in this tutorial.


h2. Why all the restarts?

Theme plugins are generally far more complex than your average plugin. There are some issues in Confluence that require a restart in order to make certain changes to take effect.

Adaptavist are working closely with Atlassian and with each new release of Confluence, more of these issues are resolved. However, until all of them are resolved, you'll still have to restart Confluence when installing or upgrading the Builder theme.

h2. Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Before reporting a bug, please check our [Builder Release Notes] - it's possible a recent version of the theme already resolves the issue you have.

Our tutorial on [Bug Reports and Feature Requests] explains the process for informing us of bugs or ideas for new features for the {builder} theme. It also lists all currently reported items and has a link to our development roadmap.