[All Adaptavist Apps]

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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


  • They use a specific font-family

    Wiki Markup
    {footnote}When specifying the font, always remember that the person viewing the page might not have that font installed. As such, you should specify alternative fonts (in order of priority) to try and at the end of your list have either {{sans-serif}} or {{serif}}.{footnote}

  • Their line-height is normal (so our Text Styles CSS doesn't make them look odd)
  • Their font-weight is set to bold so they stand out from any other text of a similar size
  • Their background-color is transparent (ie. remove that grey background)
  • Thier border-bottom is removed (to remove the blue or grey line that appears under some heading styles)
