[All Adaptavist Apps]

Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Requires confluence 3.0

Builder 3.4.0-M5-conf3

  • Use tinyUrl for links in blog-list
  • Ensure zipfiles get closed as they are created
  • Add basic support for the macro browser
  • Ensure notation guides are upto date
  • Basic compatibility with confluence 3.1
  • Add 'current' class where possible to menulinks
  • Fix zipped backups & layout resources for windows servers
  • Allow create-child to create children of a fixed parent
  • Centralise the interpretation of space= & page= parameters
  • Wipe resources when duplicating a layout
  • Fix quick-search drop-down positioning
  • Update builder.css to allow for code macro
  • Ensure that the entity is an abstract page before trying to check on it's attachments
  • Remove editinword2 alias
  • Strip out confluence version checking cruft
  • Bring decorators into-line with confluence 3.x
  • Create builder-added-by macro & use it in default layout
  • Split the css & js for confluence 3.1
  • Allow builder-show to derermine the space when used within comment objects
  • Pass the spacekey with search requests
  • Remove putInSession code as it is no longer needed
  • Miscellaneous layout-manager & layout-chooser bugfixes
  • Make aliases play nicely with relative paths
  • Add support for flags= & notFlags= to menu macros
  • Update sorted-children to allow for hierarchial displays and 'current' classes
  • Remove typo that prevents comment squashing fix
  • Make webui-list generate more styleable classnames
  • Add current class to webui-list
  • Allow space & title logo to be forced
  • Workaround usage of $action in webui items
  • Add global templates & user macros to zipped backups

Builder 3.4.0-M4-conf3

  • Generate webui context using DefaultWebInterfaceContext
  • Improvements to layout loader
  • Wrap breadcrumb prefix in a list item
  • Add forceexpansion parameter to breadcrumbs macro
  • Fix editinword for titles containing qutes
  • Allow wikimenu to deal with ordered as well as unordered lists
  • Split out import css into it's own resource file and include it after the main resource
  • Add security token to all menulinks
  • Fix pagetree2 styling issues in IE8 & Opera10
  • Fix zipped backup uploads & downloads
