[All Adaptavist Apps]

Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Requires confluence 3.1


Installing Builder 4.0.0-M8 will cause customised dashboard information to be 'lost'.
The workaround for this is to copy the content from the dashboard tab* into a text file named dashboard.wiki, then upload this file to the resources of the layout used on the dashboard.
* - Do this before installing M8, or after reinstalling an older version, the old data will not get wiped out or altered in any way by installing M8

Builder 4.0.0-M8

  • Ensure that sliders are switched off alongside sidebars
  • Fix font previewing in panel editor
  • Fix configure link to point at eula
  • Show note in resources submenu when no resources attached
  • Ensure that changes are applied to layout before saving
  • Layout manager visual tweaks
  • Allow resources to be deleted
  • Allow text resources to be edited
  • Tighten permissions system and allow for @spaceadmin-global/personal/* (in preparation for locking layouts down by default)
  • Prevent uploading to the backup of a non-file from throwing an exception
  • Update colour picker
  • Allow text resources to be used as templates/pages by {import}/{create-child}/{menulink:addpage}
  • Allow content to be {import}ed but not displayed (allow for switching logic in resources)
  • Move dashboard storage to layout resources.

Builder 4.0.0-M7

  • Update to jQuery 1.4
  • Allow resources to be sorted
  • Set panel preview text to black by default
  • Fix dotted line margin in panel editor
  • Add padding to textarea in panel editor
  • Include atlasian js before builder js
  • Ensure pagetree instantiates the permission manager before using it
  • Fix layout permission editing
  • Prevent users from seeing resourc upload UI when they dont have permission to edit the layot
  • Indicate where the resource file/panel setting has come from
  • Fix 'clear layout'
  • Skip to atb-content
  • Reorganise css groupings to more closely match 3.x menu structure
  • Add partial i18n support to manage-layouts
