Story Point Estimates Not Appearing

Hierarchy for Jira looks for the Story Points field in company-managed projects and the Story point estimate field in team-managed projects. Ensure you’re using these fields to estimate issues.

If you’re using the above fields in the correct project type but still aren’t seeing story points, check you don’t have duplicate fields with the name Story Points and/or Story point estimate.

To do this:

  1. Go to Settings > Issues > Custom Fields and check if there’s more than one field named Story Points or Story point estimate.

  2. Confirm with your Jira Admin that the duplicate field isn’t being used anywhere else on your instance.

  3. Delete the duplicate field/s.

  4. Cancel your trial of Hierarchy for Jira and start it again.
    This updates the data in Hierarchy for Jira to use the correct field for story points.

If you’ve tried the above and still aren’t seeing your story point estimates, contact support.