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I seem to be getting the following error in my logs a ton. Anyone know why (or how I can correct this)?

2010-10-27 21:44:08,212 WARN http-8444-1 atlassian.plugin.servlet.AbstractDownloadableResource serveResource Resource not found: Resource: resources/builder/icons/error.gif (null)

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  1. Unknown User (kbrophy)

    Hi Joseph,

    Can you let us know which version of Theme Builder you are using? I believe that a similar issue has been addressed in the latest version:


    1. Unknown User (comptonj@aetna.com)

      Since we are currently using Confluence 3.2, our version of ThemeBuilder is 4.0.4. So I need to wait until I can get to Confluence 3.4 and ThemeBuilder 4.2 for this to be fixed?

      1. Unknown User (amoran)

        Sadly we are not planning on releasing any more versions of the 4.0.x series.

        However the problem you describe is most often caused by the use of error.gif somwhere in the theme markup, if you have a support contract with us then we should be able to help you locate and avoid this problem.

        I should note that the level of investigation required goes beyond that available through the FREE forum support, as a result locating your issue without a support contract in place will not be possible.

        1. Unknown User (comptonj@aetna.com)

          Sure, I understand that. We are currently looking into support options.

          Is it true that this is a problem that is corrected in 4.2? I don't seem to see it in our lab (Confluence 3.4 + ThemeBuilder 4.2) and just want to confirm that as a stopgap while waiting for support to be put in place.


          1. There is a fix in 4.2 regarding null images causing lots of log entries. This may well be the same problem you are facing.

            1. Unknown User (amoran)

              Judging by the error it's likely to be coming from the markup of the layout rather than the null resource requests, it's probable that this layout has evolved from a time when error.gif actually used to exist.

              It's likely that searching for 'error' within the xml backup data will help locate the source of the problem.