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Blog from January, 2008

Changes to builder-breadcrumbs macro

We've released Beta 26 which has a refactored builder-breadcrumbs macro - here's some notes...

Confluence 2.8 will include far more semantic HTML markup than previous versions of the product so as of Theme Builder 3.0 beta 26 we've updated the builder-breadcrumbs macro to output semantic markup that is both compatible with Confluence 2.8 and will also work with previous versions of Confluence that Theme Builder 3.0 is compatible with. As usual, we've added some extra classes to allow custom styling of various elements in the breadcrumb trail.

The new HTML structure for the breadcrumbs is based on an ordered list as follows:

<div class="breadcrumbs">
 <span id="breadcrumb-display" class="breadcrumbs">
  <ol class="breadcrumbs">
   <li class="breadcrumb breadcrumb0">
    <a href="/dashboard.action">Dashboard</a> &gt;
   <li class="breadcrumb breadcrumb1">
    <a href="/display/Builder">Theme Builder Plugin</a> &gt;
   <li class="breadcrumb breadcrumb2">
    <a href="/display/Builder/Forum">Forum</a>
   <li class="breadcrumb breadcrumb3">
    <a href="/display/Builder/Some+topic">Some topic</a>

In beta 26 you will need to add a little bit of extra CSS to your Custom CSS as follows:

ol.breadcrumbs {
 list-style: none;
 margin-top: 4px;
ol.breadcrumbs li {
 float: left;

This will convert the unordered list in to the more normal breadcrumb layout. The CSS will likely be included in the next release.

There will be some additional tweaks in the next beta (which will probably be the release), including a bug fix - for more details keep an eye on: http://jira.adaptavist.com/browse/BUILDER-928

Publicly downloadable beta

Want to download and test the latest beta of Theme Builder?

Unknown macro: {menulink}

Click for files

, see comments for instructions.

New tutorial - Space-level theme settings

This tutorial shows how to allow a single layout to adapt to a space or page that uses it. This allows you to reduce the number of layouts whilst still allowing space administrators to customise panel content, navigation, menus and colours to their specific needs. Read the tutorial...

New tutorial - Adaptavist Website Theme

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