
The Providers screen displays a list of all providers available in your selected organisation. Here you can add a custom provider, enable/disable providers, and view and configure which channels use the providers.

Add a custom provider 

Connecting a custom AI provider is helpful when:

  • Your security and compliance requirements require you to route traffic through your proxies.
  • You want to use a third-party AI provider.
  • You want to connect a custom LLM.

Vortex can connect any AI provider that adheres to the OpenAI, Anthropic, or Gemini schema.

To add a custom provider to your organisation: 

  1. Click the Add Custom Provider button in the Providers screen.
  2. Select a team from the Assign to drop-down.
  3. Enter the provider name. 
  4. Select the API format; currently, only OPENAI, GEMINI, and ANTHROPIC are available.
  5. Enter the Base URL for the provider. 
  6. Optionally, you can add a Description of the provider. 
  7. Click Add.

Enable/disable provider

Enabling and disabling a provider for your organisation is easy. Simply click the toggle next to each provider name. When disabled, the provider appears greyed out. 

Configure channels

Below each provider you have the option to configure the associated provider keys. To configure a provider key: 

  1. Click Configure under the required provider. The Add provider's key window opens. 
  2. Enter a name for the provider key. 
  3. Enter the API key. You can retrieve this key from your OpenAI account.
  4. Optionally, enter a description for the key. 

Once added, the key appears in the Provider Key table. Here you are able to edit and delete the key by selecting the three dots next to the key name. 

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