
Channels Overview

Channels are conduits for your API requests, guiding them to the appropriate Large Language Model (LLM) providers. For example, a channel named OpenAI would be linked to the OpenAI provider, enabling Vortex to route requests destined for OpenAI through this specific channel.

Viewing Channels

To view your existing channels, follow these steps:

  • Select Channels from the side navigation menu.
  • The Channels table displaying all channels will appear.

Creating a Channel

Creating a new channel involves a few simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Channels in the side menu. 
  2. Click Create Channel.
  3. From the Assign to
  4. Input a meaningful name for the channel, adhering to the following guidelines:

    Naming guidelines

    • The channel name should only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
    • Opt for a name that clearly reflects the channel's purpose, such as OpenAI for accessing the OpenAI provider.

    The channel name is appended to the Vortex proxy URL. This proxy url is used to access OpenAI via Vortex

  5. In Route, Associate the channel with a Large Language Model provider API key.
    • This key is the API key you obtain from the LLM provider, like OpenAI.
    • Vortex will swap this key in place of the Vortex API key when routing requests through this channel.
    • You can link multiple provider API keys to a channel, and Vortex will automatically balance the load among these keys.
    • The channel route must be unique within a team.

  6. Select a Provider from the drop-down.
  7. Optionally, enter a Description.
  8. Optionally, If you have templates configured, you can select one from the Templates drop-down.
  9. Configure your payload storing settings using the toggles.
  10. Finalise the channel creation by clicking on Create.
  11. Your channel is now successfully created.

Editing a Channel

Channels can be modified to:

  • Update the channel's name.
  • Add or remove LLM provider keys.

To edit a channel:

  1. Click on the edit icon next to the channel you wish to modify.
  2. Change the name or adjust the provider keys as needed.
  3. Confirm the updates by clicking Update.

Deleting a Channel

Deleting a channel is irreversible.

Removing a channel results in the permanent loss of its data, leading to record not found errors in insights data for the deleted channel.

To delete a channel:

  1. Select the delete icon for the channel you wish to remove.
  2. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete.

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