Customize Comments

Threaded Comments has several options for customization that enhance both functionality and aesthetics! 


To add a custom emoticon:

  1. Click the Emoji icon to access the Emoticon Selection menu.

  2. Navigate the menu via the tabbed icons at the top or using keywords in the Search option.

  3. Change the shade of certain emojis, if desired, by clicking the Color Options in the Search bar and selecting from the available choices.

  4. Click your desired emoji to react to a comment or include it with your message.


To add an attachment to a comment:

  1. Click the Add attachment option. The Add a file from options appear.

  2. Select your desired attachment from your local space via the Computer section or a Trello card in the selection below.


Markdown is a simple language used to add formatting to text. Threaded Comments uses a modified version of the Markdown syntax. It allows you to easily add bold, italics, links, lists, paragraphs, headers, images, and code blocks to comments.

Not all syntax will display when using the Trello mobile app.


Markdown syntax
Bold text
**text** or __text__
Italic text
*text* or _text_
Strikethrough text
Inline code

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