Blog List
This macro is used to create a list of blog posts and excerpts.
Storage Format
Wiki Markup
display | Display mode | Select either singlespace or multispace (default - singlespace) | enum | singlespace | |
space | Space | A comma-separated list of spaces whose posts should be listed (SPACEKEY/@all/@current/@favourite/@global/@personal) | spacekey | @current | |
label | Labels | A comma-separated list of labels that are used to filter the list of blogposts | string | ||
author | Authors | A comma-separated list of authors that are used to filter the list of blogposts - usernames/group names/@self/@creator/@owner | string | ||
sort | Sort Order | The order that the posts should be listed in (creation/modified/recent - default creation) | enum | recent | |
reverse | Reverse | List the blogposts in reverse order (default=true - oldest first) | boolean | true | |
count | Count | The number of posts that should be displayed (default = all) | string | ||
title | Show Title | Display the blog titles | boolean | false | |
linktitle | Link Title | Link the titles to the blog post | boolean | false | |
excerpt | Excerpt | Display the post excerpt | boolean | false | |
fullExcerpt | Full Excerpt | Display the full content of the post | boolean | false | |
showDate | Show Date | Display the date that the post was made | boolean | false | |
showPostedBy | Show Posted-by | Show the postedby details | boolean | false | |
showPostedByDate | Show Posted-by date | Include the date in the postedby details | boolean | false | |
permalink | Permalink | Show a permalink | boolean | false | |
postedByCaption | Posted By Caption | The caption for the postedby details | boolean | false | |
comment | Comment Count | The text prefixing the comment count | string | ||
none | None | Text to display when no posts have been found | string | ||
flag | Flag | A list of flags, one of which must be defined for the content to be displayed | string | ||
notflag | Not Flag | A list of flags that must not be defined for the content to be displayed | string |
Below is an example of showing a list of blog posts from all spaces.