Send a custom email (non-issue events)

Use the Send a Custom Email listener functionality to send custom emails in reaction to non-issue events such as:

  • Create a project

  • Add a new user

  • Update a component

  • Third party plugin events

See Send a custom email for more information on configuring custom emails for issue events.

Declare the event variable in Condition and Configuration to enable Code Insights.

For example, we want to send an email after a version is released. In that case, the selected event will be VersionReleaseEvent and the script in the Condition and Configuration field will be:

import com.atlassian.jira.event.project.VersionReleaseEvent   def event = event as VersionReleaseEvent def version = event.version   // Store in then config map, the version and the project name so we can use them later in our templates config.'versionName' = config.'projectName' = true

Now we can use the above variables in our Templates, for example the Email template will be:

Version $versionName for project $projectName just released.   Congratulations y'all !