
The functions on this page are only available if Advanced Roadmaps for Jira (previously known as Portfolio for Jira) is installed. 

A full reindex is required after first installing the version of ScriptRunner containing Advanced Roadmaps. If you do not reindex, the functions on this page will only show results for issues updated from that point.

Before you try the JQL functions on this page you may want to try searching for issues using Advanced Roadmaps details



Get the portfolio/roadmaps child issues matched by the subquery.

portfolioChildrenOf examples

For the examples below the following hierarchy is assumed:

  1. Themes

  2. Initiative

  3. Epic

  4. Story

portfolioChildrenOf(Subquery) finds all children in a portfolio/roadmap hierarchy. This function does not bridge the gap from Epic to Story, so, with the above hierarchy, it only finds initiatives and epics that have a parent with the status of 'To Do.'

Please note that the status of the child issues could be anything; due to the subquery, this search is only looking at the status of the parent issue type.

Find all initiatives that belong to Themes with the status 'To Do'

issueFunction in portfolioChildrenOf("status = 'To Do'") and issuetype = Initiative

Find all children of parents with the status 'To Do'

issueFunction in portfolioChildrenOf("status = 'To Do'")

To also find stories you could combine multiple functions:

  1. Create and save the above function as a Children of Themes filter.
  2.  Use the issuesInEpics function to also find the stories of the epics:

    filter = "Children of Themes" or issueFunction in issuesInEpics('filter = "Children of Themes"')

Find high-level issue types that have not been properly placed in a structure

To search for initiatives that don't belong to any Themes:

issueFunction not in portfolioChildrenOf("issuetype = Theme") and issuetype = Initiative



Get the portfolio/roadmaps parent issues matched by the subquery.

portfolioParentsof examples

For the examples below the following hierarchy is assumed:

  1. Themes

  2. Initiative

  3. Epic

  4. Story

Like portfolioChildrenOfportfolioParentsof does not cross the boundary from Story to Epic, this is due to conflicting feature functionality. If you performed a search of issueFunction in portfolioParentsOf("status = 'To Do'") using the hierarchy above, the results would display themes and initiatives that have a child issue with the status of 'To Do.' If you added another issue type between Themes and Initiative, then issues of this type would also display if they have child issues with the status of 'To Do'.

Find all themes of unresolved epics

issueFunction in portfolioParentsOf("issuetype = Epic and resolution is empty") and issuetype = Themes

Find issue types that have no children

To search for any Themes that have no children (notice the not in):

The following query looks for all Themes that are not the parent of an Initiative.

issueFunction not in portfolioParentsOf("issuetype = Initiative") and issuetype = Themes

If you want to start from Stories, you need to create a combination of queries and use the epicsOf ScriptRunner JQL query. For example, to search for open Initiatives of closed Stories:

issueFunction in portfolioParentsOf('issueFunction in epicsOf("issuetype = Story and status = Done")') and issuetype = Initiative and resolution is empty

For complex subqueries, you may want to save a seperate search as a filter and then use Jira's filter field to reference it. For example:

issueFunction in portfolioParentsOf('filter = "Your Saved Filter"') and issuetype = Initiative and resolution is empty
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