Change Dashboard, Filter, or Board Ownership
Use the Change Dashboard, Filter, or Board Ownership built-in script to change the owner of the selected dashboards, filters, and boards from one user to another.
If, for example, a team member has left your company, an administrator could use this script to transfer all dashboard and filter ownership at once before deactivating the user.
Dashboards comprise gadgets or portlets that use filters. When dashboard ownership changes, any filters within the dashboard will error; therefore the filter ownership needs to be changed as well. The Change Dashboard, Filter, or Board Ownership built-in script changes ownership of any filters contained within the affected dashboard using the following rules:
If the dashboard being modified includes filters with the same owner, the filter owner is also modified.
If a different user owns the filter and the target user has permission to view the filter, no change is made.
If a different user owns the filter and the target user does not have permission to view the filter, the filter is shared globally.
Using this built-in script
- From ScriptRunner, navigate to Built-in Scripts > Change dashboard, filter, or board ownership.
In From User, select the original owner of the dashboard, filter, or board.
In To User, select the username of the new owner of the dashboard, filter, or board.
In the Dashboards, Filters, and Boards fields, all dashboards, filters or boards by the user specified in From User are listed.
Select the name of the dashboard, filter, or board for which ownership will change to the user specified in To User.
To select multiple dashboards, filters, and boards, hold Ctrl (Command on macOS). The Boards field is only visible to instances with Jira Software installed.
Select Preview to see an overview before committing changes. Select Run to change ownership.