Group(s) Condition

Use the Group(s) condition to control whether or not a user can transition an issue based on their group memberships.

There are two ways to use this condition, depending on whether you choose to invert the condition or not:

  • Normal: The transition is allowed if the current user is a member of any group(s) specified.
  • Inverted: The transition is allowed if the current user is not a member of any group(s) specified. 

For example: 

  • You only want members of the Finance Team group to be able to transition a ticket to Account Paid.
  • You do not want members of the Finance Team to be able to transition a ticket to Approved for Payment.

Use this condition

You can add this condition to any transition except the Create transition.

  1. Go to Administration > Issues > Workflows.
  2. Select Edit on the workflow you want to add a condition to. 
  3. Select the transition to which you wish to add a condition.
  4. Under Options, select Conditions.
    Image highlighting the Conditions option
  5. On the Transition page, select Add condition.
  6. Select Group(s) condition.
    Image showing groups condition selected.

  7. Optional: Enter a note that describes the condition.

  8. Select the Groups you want to use to restrict the transition.

    Users who are members of at least one of these groups can transition the issue unless the Invert condition option has been selected. If the condition is inverted, all users apart from those who are members of at least one of these groups can transition the issue. 

  9. Optional: Select Invert Condition.

    For Jira servers and projects which allow anonymous users to view and transition issues:

    • If the condition is not inverted, anonymous users are always blocked from transitioning the issue.
    • If the condition is inverted, anonymous users are allowed to transition the issues.
  10. Select Update.

  11. Select Publish and choose if you want to save a backup copy of the workflow.

    Image with Publish highlighted

Security breach review example

You can use this condition to ensure separation of duties, for example, when reviewing a security breach.

In this task force are three teams: DevOps, Stakeholders, and Security. The review has four workflow statuses:

  1. To investigate
  2. Under investigation
  3. In review
  4. Closed

You could use this workflow condition to restrict the transition of issues as follows:

To investigate > Under investigation - Restricted to DevOps team.
Under investigation > In review - Restricted to DevOps and Security teams.
In review > Closed - Restricted to Security team.
Closed > any state - Restricted to Stakeholders and Security teams.
In review > Under investigation - Not allowed by DevOps team.

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