Work with Issue Links

With HAPI you can quickly and easily link issues. Link two issues as follows:

            def source = Issues.getByKey('SR-1')
            def destination = Issues.getByKey('SR-2')
  'blocks', destination)

Image showing how you create links with HAPI

Removing a link is just as easy. Remove a link as follows:

            def source = Issues.getByKey('SR-1')
            def destination = Issues.getByKey('SR-2')
            source.unlink('blocks', destination)

You may wish to validate that an issue has particular links in a workflow validator. Typically, you cannot access links added during the current transition or issue update until it's complete. However, we have made it easy using the extension methods getAllInwardLinks() and getAllOutwardLinks() on MutableIssue.

For example, you want to use a workflow validator to check that there is at least one outward "Blocker" link:

issue.allOutwardLinks*.issueLinkType.outward == ['blocks']

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