Included JQL Functions

ScriptRunner provides a large number of out-of-the-box JQL functions. Unlike most of ScriptRunner features, these included functions are available to all users on an instance, not just administrators.

If you would like to view JQL functions by category, see the following pages:

If you would like to view all available JQL functions, see the following table:

The links in the table below lead to category pages, where you can find information on the JQL function, examples, supported operators, and performance considerations.

Fields, operators, and functions

Fields are required to form a search clause and are typically followed by an operator and then a function or a value. Most ScriptRunner JQL functions are preceded by the issueFunction field, however, some ScriptRunner JQL functions are preceded by other fields (as shown in the table below). In a clause that includes a ScriptRunner JQL function the operator must always be in or not in (for example issueFucntion in hasLinks("Blocks")).

For more information on fields, functions and operators check out the JQL Functions Tutorial.

JQL FunctionDescriptionField Prefix
addedAfterSprintStart Show issues that were added to the named board after the named sprint started (or all active sprints if a second argument is not provided).issueFunction
aggregateExpression Calculate a summary or aggregate data point.issueFunction
archivedVersions Return issues with versions that have been archived.component
commented Find issues by querying on comments, for example, when, by which user, etc.issueFunction
completeInSprint Show complete issues in the named sprint for the specified board (or all active sprints if a second argument is not provided).issueFunction
componentMatch Match the component name by regular expression.component
dateCompare Compare two dates on the same issue.issueFunction
earliestUnreleasedVersionByReleaseDate Return issues with an unreleased version set that is next due for release.fixVersion
epicsOf Find epics of issues returned by the subquery.issueFunction
expression Use complex date, estimate, or numeric expression to compare attributes of fields. issueFunction
fileAttached Find issues by querying on attachments, for example, when, by which user, etc.issueFunction
hasAttachments Return issues with attachments. You can optionally specify file types or the number of attachments.issueFunction
hasComments Get issues with comments or with the specified number of comments.issueFunction
hasLinks Find issues with links.issueFunction
hasLinkType Find issues with the specified link type.issueFunction
hasRemoteLinks Find issues with links to remote content.issueFunction
hasSubtasks Find issues with subtasks.issueFunction
inactiveUsers Return issues with a user field containing inactive users.assignee
incompleteInSprint Return issues that are incomplete in the specified sprint.issueFunction
issueFieldExactMatch Match an issue field by exact string value.issueFunction
issueFieldMatch Match an issue field by regular expression.issueFunction

Find issues based on the issues selected in the specified Issue Picker field.


issuesInEpics Find issues linked to epics matched by the subquery.issueFunction
jiraUserPropertyEquals Return active and inactive users with a matching property value.assignee
lastComment Find issues by querying only on the last comment.issueFunction
lastUpdated Find issues by the last update, for example, when, by which user, etc.issueFunction
linkedIssuesOf Find linked issues matched by the subquery.issueFunction
linkedIssuesOfRecursive Find ALL recursively linked issues matched by the subquery.issueFunction
linkedIssuesOfRecursiveLimited Find recursively linked issues matched by the subquery, restricted by traversal depth. issueFunction
linkedIssuesOfRemote Return issues linked to the given remote link.issueFunction
linkedIssuesOfAll Find linked issues matched by the subquery. Functionally the same as linkedIssuesOf except it also includes subtasks and epic links when no link type is specified.issueFunction

Find ALL recursively linked issues matched by the subquery. Functionally the same as linkedIssuesOfRecursive except it also includes  subtasks and epic links when no link type is specified.



Find ALL recursively linked issues matched by the subquery, restricted by traversal depth. Functionally the same as linkedIssuesOfRecursiveLimited except it also includes  subtasks and epic links when no link type is specified.


memberOfRole Return issues where the value of a user field is a member of the given role.issueFunction
myProjects Return projects in which you are a member.project
nextSprint Return issues from the first unstarted sprint on the specified board.issueFunction
overdue Find issues by unreleased versions with release date in the past.fixVersion
parentsOf Get the parents of issues matched by the subquery.issueFunction
portfolioChildrenOf Get the portfolio/roadmaps child issues matched by the subquery.issueFunction
portfolioParentsOf Get the portfolio/roadmaps parent issues matched by the subquery.issueFunction
previousSprint Return issues from the last completed sprint on this board.issueFunction
projectMatch Match the project name by regular expression.project
projectsOfType Find issues in projects of a particular type.project
recentProjects Find projects in your recent history.project
releaseDate Find issues by version release date.fixVersion
removedAfterSprintStart Return issues removed from the sprint after the sprint start.issueFunction
startDate Find issues by version start date.fixVersion


Get the subtasks of issues matched by the subquery.issueFunction
versionMatch Match the version name by regular expression.fixVersion
workLogged Find issues by querying on worklogs, for example, when, by which user, etc.issueFunction