Automation for Jira
We have developed actions and triggers you can use in Automation for Jira:
Asset Object Created Trigger
Use this trigger to create a rule that runs whenever an Assets object is created.
Asset Object Updated Trigger
Use this trigger to create a rule that runs whenever an Assets object is updated.
Create Asset
Use this action to create an Assets (Insight) object.
Execute a ScriptRunner Script
Use this action to run a ScriptRunner script, either inline or from a file.
Lookup Asset (Insight) Object
Use this action to look up an Asset (Insight) object and include the result in other actions.
Lookup Asset (Insight) Objects from AQL (IQL)
Use this action to look up an Asset (Insight) object from AQL/IQL and include the result in other actions.
Update Asset
Use this action to update an Assets (Insight) object.