Upgrade FAQs

How do I downgrade ScriptRunner?

We recommend that you DO NOT downgrade ScriptRunner. If you think it is essential to downgrade, please contact Adaptavist Support for help.

Why do I have a DocValuesField error when re-indexing?


If you have recently upgraded Jira to version 8.10 or above, and have ScriptRunner installed, you may see an error like the following when you re-index:

DocValuesField "sr_num_atch" appears more than once in this document (only one value is allowed per field)

This error does not show for everyone who upgrades. The problem only shows for users who have ended up with multiple issueFunction fields as a result of past bugs. This is a field added by ScriptRunner for JQL functions and if there are duplicates, they do not show on the custom fields admin area.


Run the following script in the script console to see if there are multiple versions of this indexer field added:

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor import com.atlassian.jira.issue.search.managers.IssueSearcherManager import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.jql.ScriptFunctionSearcher def searcherManger = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(IssueSearcherManager) def issueFunctionSearcherCount = searcherManger.allSearchers.count { it instanceof ScriptFunctionSearcher } "Searcher count: ${issueFunctionSearcherCount}"

If the script returns a "Searcher" count higher than 1, then you have multiple issueFunction fields added to your server. The issueFunction field should only be added once (issueFunction is a field added by ScriptRunner to allow JQL functions to work). This has not caused any problems up until Jira 8.9, but a change in the implementation of how field indexers are tracked in Jira 8.10 means that Jira now registers indexers for each issueFunction field. This is what causes the indexing problem with the sr_num_atch index field.


Please take a backup of your Jira Server before you run the next script. The script deletes the additional issueFunction fields found on your Jira instance. 

To fix this issue, run the following script in the script console:

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor import com.atlassian.jira.issue.search.managers.IssueSearcherManager import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.jql.ScriptFunctionSearcher def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager def issueFunctionFields = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectsByName("issueFunction") def fieldsToBeDeleted = issueFunctionFields.size() - 1 log.error("Fields to be deleted: ${fieldsToBeDeleted}") if (fieldsToBeDeleted) { issueFunctionFields.takeRight(fieldsToBeDeleted).each { field -> customFieldManager.removeCustomField(field) log.error("Successfully removed custom field: ${field.id}") } log.error("Successfully removed ${fieldsToBeDeleted} custom field(s)") }

After you run this script, and switch to the Log tab of the script console, you should see the following on the last line:

Successfully removed n custom field(s)

If the above displays then you should perform a full re-index at a time convenient for you. Please let us know afterwards if the issue was fixed and you were able to successfully reindex.

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