Release 7.x



HAPI updates

We've refined Assets so new syntax is available and developed new options for filters. Find out more details in the HAPI Changelog.

A note about JDK 17 compatibility

See the release notes for version 7.8.0 for information on JDK 17 compatibility. 

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HAPI updates

We've developed HAPI updates for projects, Jira Service Management (JSM) workflow approvals, and project permission schemes. Find out more details in the HAPI Changelog.

A note about JDK 17 compatibility

See the release notes for version 7.8.0 for information on JDK 17 compatibility. 

Documentation update

Troubleshooting Java Agents and ScriptRunner has been added to the documentation to help you troubleshoot problems associated with Java Agents. 




Our major scripting innovation is here: a new and simplified way to define your Jira automations in Groovy (the scripting language most commonly found in ScriptRunner products). It's time to get HAPI!

HAPI is an API (application programming interface) optimized for Jira automations and tightly integrated with the script editor. With HAPI you will be able to create automations and customizations faster than ever.

Upskill easily on automation and customization with the helpful completions and work with simple, readable code. To find out more about HAPI, check out the user documentation.

HAPI example scripts

We've updated a number of Example Scripts to include HAPI methods. If you have used any of these scripts in the past, you'll notice they're shorter and easier to understand because of HAPI.

A note about JDK 17 compatibility

See the release notes for version 7.8.0 for information on JDK 17 compatibility. 

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The clear Jira caches feature has been removed

The built-in script that previously allowed you to clear Groovy class loader caches and Jira caches has been updated so you can only clear Groovy class loader caches. We have removed this feature as it is unsafe to clear Jira caches in Data Center. See SRJIRA-6417 - Getting issue details... STATUS  for more information.

If you wish to clear Jira caches in a Server instance, check out this Example Script

A note about JDK 17 compatibility

See the release notes for version 7.8.0 for information on JDK 17 compatibility. 

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A major innovation is coming soon

We're working on something which makes automations and customisations in ScriptRunner faster and easier. Check out what we're up to.

A note about JDK 17 compatibility

See the release notes for version 7.8.0 for information on JDK 17 compatibility. 

Snippets are now available in a custom script post-function

You will now see snippets when adding or updating a custom script post-function. You can use these snippets to help you develop a script for your post-function.

GIF of post function snippets

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A note about JDK 17 compatibility

Jira now supports running on JDK 17 on versions 9.5.0 and above. ScriptRunner is not currently compatible with JDK 17, and the app will not function on that version of the JDK.

We are actively working on JDK 17 support. A public issue tracking this is available here: SRPLAT-2179.

ScriptRunner does support Jira 9.5 when running on JDK 8 or 11.

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A note about JDK 17 compatibility

Jira now supports running on JDK 17 on versions 9.5.0 and above. ScriptRunner is not currently compatible with JDK 17, and the app will not function on that version of the JDK.

We are actively working on JDK 17 support. A public issue tracking this is available here: SRPLAT-2179.

ScriptRunner does support Jira 9.5 when running on JDK 8 or 11.

New bugs fixed

In this release, we've focused on fixing bugs to improve your experience of ScriptRunner for Jira Server/Data Center. See the Jira issues in the tables below for more detailed information.

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New bugs fixed

This release focuses on fixing bugs to improve your experience of ScriptRunner for Jira Server/Data Center. See the Jira issues in the tables below for more detailed information.

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Package declaration message

In version 7.1.0, we introduced a warning message to the Script Editor to flag invalid/missing package declarations in script files. The message stated these invalid/missing package declarations wouldn't be supported from version 9.0.0 onwards. However, this is no longer the case. We will not do anything that breaks existing usage in future releases. See this page for more information. 

New bugs fixed

This release focuses on fixing bugs to improve your experience of ScriptRunner for Jira Server/Data Center. See the Jira issues in the tables below for more detailed information.

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Get involved

Want to know how you can get involved with shaping the future of ScriptRunner? Check out our Get Involved page. 

Guardrails blog

We introduced new Guardrails built-in scripts and guidance in version 7.3.0. We now also have a Guardrails blog - go check it out!

New bugs fixed

This release focuses on fixing bugs to improve your experience of ScriptRunner for Jira Server/Data Center. See the Jira issues in the tables below for more detailed information.

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New guardrails built-in scripts and guidance

Guardrails are suggested limits and thresholds that Atlassian recommend in order to keep your Jira instance performing well. With ScriptRunner you can now run a number of built-in scripts to check guardrails associated with projects, comments, attachments, issue links and change logs. ScriptRunner also allows you to run more complex JQL queries to check the epics guardrail. Visit the Guardrails page for more information.

GIF of how to access guardrails

New switch user functions

Administrators can now switch user from within an issue or in the User management space. Previously admins could only switch user through the Switch User built-in script

Image showing where to access switch user in an issue

screenshot of switch user function in user management

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New user setting that allows you to toggle the minimap on and off

The minimap is visible on the right hand side of your script. When you write a script, the minimap can be useful for navigating, and understanding, large areas of code. You can now turn the minimap off if you don't find it useful! See the User Editor Settings page for more information. 

minimap toggle gif

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General feature improvements

This release focuses on general feature improvements to better your experience of ScriptRunner for Jira Server/Data Center. See the Jira issues in the tables below for more detailed information.

Behaviours training video is now in German 🇩🇪

Our training video on Using Behaviours for ScriptRunner for Jira Server/Data Center is now available in German. You can find a link to the translated video here.  

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Groovy 3 update

This is the update you have all been waiting for, we have updated ScriptRunner for Jira Server/Data Center to Groovy 3! What comes with this update and how will it benefit you? 

To start, the language parser has been reimplemented in Groovy 3 under the Parrot Parser codename. This new parser brings a number of syntax improvements which could benefit you as a user of ScriptRunner. The Groovy 3 syntax improvements include the following:

In addition, there are a handful of minor general improvements, for example new GDK methods or the @NullCheck AST transformation.

For a full list of changes see the release notes for Groovy 3

Breaking changes

There are a number of known breaking changes in Groovy 3. The breaking changes include relocation of some classes to different packages. All the other breaking changes for Groovy 3 are listed in the release notes. There are also some additional minor breaking changes in Groovy 3.0.5. and Groovy 3.0.8.

We don't believe that any of these changes are significant, or that they should affect a large number of ScriptRunner users. However, there is a chance this update may cause some of your scripts to fail. 

If you have any issues please contact our customer support team here

SrSpecification has been deprecated

In the past, when writing tests, we provided an example to extend com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.common.admin.SrSpecification

SrSpecification will be removed in a future release of ScriptRunner, but is still available in the current release. From now on please use spock.lang.Specification as the base for your tests. 

Jsoup update

We have updated our internal version of Jsoup to 1.15.3 due to a potential vulnerability. The key change is the replacement of with Please find more information at

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