

addedAfterSprintStart(board name/ID, [sprint name/ID])


issueFunction in addedAfterSprintStart("Sample Scrum Board", "Sample Sprint 3")

Shows issues that were added to the named sprint (or all active sprints if second argument is not provided), after the sprint started. This is useful for seeing how the scope of a sprint has changed when the sprint is in progress.

You can also just pass a board name or ID to list all issues added after the start of each sprint - this is primarily used in quick filters, e.g.:

This will let you drill down on those issues that were added after the scope was agreed, both in the planning and work boards.

This query is also available from the planning board by clicking the flag icon:


removedAfterSprintStart(board name/ID, [sprint name/ID])

Shows issues that have been removed from the named sprint (or all active sprints if second argument is not provided), after the sprint has started.


incompleteInSprint(board name/ID, [sprint name/ID])

Shows issues that not been completed in the named sprint (or all active sprints if second argument is not provided).

You can use plain JQL to show incomplete issues in any give sprint, eg:

sprint = 24 and resolution is empty

However, the incompleteInSprint function allows you to see incomplete issues in all currently active sprints.


completeInSprint(board name/ID, [sprint name/ID])

Shows issues that are complete in the named sprint (or all active sprints if second argument is not provided).


nextSprint(board name/ID)

Shows issues that are members of the next, not-yet-started sprint on the specified board.

This can be useful to drive dashboard charts and gadgets, so you can see the build-up of the next sprint.


previousSprint(board name/ID)
Shows issues that are members of the last completed sprint.


inSprint(board name/ID or sprint name/ID)

inSprint is redundant since the migration from sprint markers to proper custom fields in Jira Agile 6.3.

However its functionality lives on - you can access the query for active and planned sprints and the backlog by clicking on the symbol as shown above. Note that these icons and functionality are provided by ScriptRunner and not Jira Agile, so if you have any problems or suggestions create an issue, don’t speak to Atlassian support.

Note that it will return all issues including subtasks, whereas by default these are not shown in the planning mode on the board. To only return parent tasks you could add: and issuetype in standardIssueTypes().

To see issues in the exact same order don’t forget to `order by Rank* - otherwise the ordering is unlikely to be the same as shown in the board.

Note that the function does not take into account any quick filters applied, or the epic links etc.

If you don’t want this functionality (i.e. the links added to the planning board), disable the module named Resource to add View in Navigator to sprints on the rapid board, in the ScriptRunner plugin.

Because you pass board and sprint by name and not ID, it follows that the board name should be unique. If this is not the case the function will warn you to rename one or more boards.