Assign to Last Role Member

Assign to Last Role Member assigns the issue to the last user assigned with a specific role.

For example, developer A finishes working on an issue and marks it as Ready to Test. After it transitions, the issue is automatically assigned to tester B. Tester B rejects the issue, and it returns to the development team. The last user assigned in the development role is re-assigned to the issue (developer A). The developer can then fix the issue, and transition it back to the QA team. When they do, the issue is re-assigned to tester B (last user in the tester role).

  1. Select the Assign to Last Role Member post-function under Script Post-Function [Scriptrunner].

    For details on how to navigate to ScriptRunner workflow functions, see our Navigating to Workflow Functions.

  2. Enter a description of the post function in Note.

  3. Enter the Condition for which, when true, the post function fires.

    If this is left blank, the post function is always triggered.

  4. Select the Role of the user to assign. The last user assigned from this role is re-assigned when the issue transitions.

  5. Optionally check the following options:

    1. Include Reporter to include the reporter in the list of assignees available to re-assign.

    2. Include Current Assignee to include the current assignee in the list of assignees available to re-assign.

    3. Force Assignment to assign a user even if a an assignee has been specified in the transition screen.

  6. Click Update

The example below fires the post function for issues in the Development project.