JQL Query Comparison

The table below contains equivalent JQL queries from ScriptRunner for Jira Server and Jira Cloud. Differences between the two systems are highlighted.

Jira Server JQLJira Cloud JQLDescription
issueFunction in hasComments(3)
numberOfComments = 3

Issues have exactly 3 comments

issueFunction in hasComments('+5')
numberOfComments > 5

Issues have more than 5 comments

issueFunction in hasComments('-5')
numberOfComments < 5

Issues have less than 5 comments

issueFunction in commented("after -7d")
lastCommentedDate > startOfDay("-7d")

Issues with comments added within the last 7 days

issueFunction in commented("on 2012/12/31")
commentedOn = '2012-12-31'

Issues with comments created on 31st December 2012

issueFunction in commented("by jbloggs")
commentedBy = 5f8eddaaf162650070bce0fb

Issues with comments authored by user jbloggs via the user account ID

issueFunction in commented('by currentUser()')
commentedBy = currentUser()

Issues with comments authored by the current logged in user

issueFunction in commented("before startOfWeek()")
firstCommentedDate < startOfWeek()

Issues with comments added before the start of this week

issueFunction in commented('after startOfMonth(-1) before endOfMonth(-1) by currentUser()')
lastCommentedDate > startOfMonth('-1') AND lastCommentedDate < endOfMonth('-1') AND commentedBy = currentUser()

Issues with comments added after the start of last month and comments added before the end of last month and comments authored by the current user

issueFunction in commented('inGroup jira-users')


Issues with comments by a user in the jira-users group

issueFunction in commented('inRole Administrators')


Issues with comments by a user with the Administrators role

issueFunction in lastComment('by jbloggs')
lastCommentBy = 5f8eddaaf162650070bce0fb

Issues with the most recent comment authored by user jbloggs via the user account ID

issueFunction in lastComment('after startOfWeek()')
lastCommentedDate > startOfWeek()

Issues with the most recent comment created since the start of the week

issueFunction in lastComment('before 2016-01-01')
lastCommentedDate < '2016-01-01'

Issues with the most recent comment created before 1st January 2016

issueFunction in lastComment('on 2015-02-01')
lastCommentedDate = '2015-02-01'

Issues with the most recent comment created on the 14th February 2015

issueFunction in lastComment('inRole Developers')


Issues with the most recent comment authored by a user with the Developers role

issueFunction in lastComment('inGroup jira-administrators')


Issues with the most recent comment authored by a user in the jira-administrators group

issueFunction in lastUpdated('by asmith')


Issues that were updated most recently by user asmith

issueFunction in lastUpdated('inRole Administrators')


Issues that were updated most recently by a user with the Administrators role

issueFunction in lastUpdated('inGroup jira-software-users')


Issues that were updated most recently by a user in the jira-software-users group

issueFunction in hasAttachments()
numberOfAttachments > 0

Issues that have attachments

not available

numberOfAttachments > 10

Issues that have at least 10 attachments

issueFunction in hasAttachments("docx")
attachmentType = "docx"

Issues that have attachments with the 'docx' file extension

issueFunction in fileAttached('after -4w')
lastAttachmentDate > startOfDay('-4w')

Issues that have attachments uploaded since 4 weeks ago

issueFunction in fileAttached('before lastLogin()')
firstAttachmentDate < lastLogin()

Issues that have attachments uploaded before the current users last login

issueFunction in fileAttached('on startOfWeek()')


Issues that have attachments uploaded at the start of the week

issueFunction in fileAttached('by jbloggs')
fileAttachedBy = 5f8eddaaf162650070bce0fb

Issues that have attachments uploaded by user jbloggs via the user account ID

issueFunction in workLogged('inRole Developers')


Issues that have work logged against them by a user with the Developers role

issueFunction in workLogged('inGroup service-desk-users')


Issues that have work logged against them by a user in the service-desk-users group

issueFunction in workLogged('by jsmith')

provided by Jira: worklogAuthor = 5f8eddaaf162650070bce0fb

Issues that have work logged by user jsmith via the user account ID

issueFunction in workLogged('on 2011-06-30')

provided by Jira: worklogDate = 2011-06-30

Issues that have work logged on the 30th June 2011

issueFunction in workLogged('after startOfWeek()')

provided by Jira: worklogDate > startOfWeek()

Issues that have work logged since the start of this week

issueFunction in workLogged('before startOfMonth()')

provided by Jira: worklogDate < startOfMonth()

Issues that have work logged before the start of this month

issueFunction in dateCompare(subquery, date comparison expression)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in hasSubtasks()
numberOfSubtasks > 0

Issues that have subtasks

not available

numberOfSubtasks >= 10

Issues that more than or equal to 10 subtasks

issueFunction in subtasksOf(subquery)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in childrenOf(subquery)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in parentsOf(subquery)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in hasLinks()
numberOfLinks > 0

Issues that have links to other issues

not available
numberOfLinks = 5

Issues that have 5 links to other issues

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf(subquery)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in epicsOf(subquery)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

Can be achieved using linkedIssuesOf

issueFunction in issuesInEpics(subquery)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

issuesInEpics that match the subquery

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRecursive(subquery, linkName)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRecursiveLimited(subquery, depth, linkName)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote(remoteLink, searchTerm)


Issues with remote links that match the search term

issueFunction in expression(Subquery, expression)


See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

project in projectMatch(regularExpression)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

fixVersion in versionMatch(regularExpression)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

component in componentMatch(regularExpression)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in issueFieldMatch(subquery, fieldName, regularExpression)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in issueFieldExactMatch(subquery, fieldName, regularExpression)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

issueFunction in recentProjects()


Issues in the current user’s recently view projects. See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions.

issueFunction in myProjects()


Issues in the current user’s projects. See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions.

issueFunction in aggregateExpression()


See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions for more information

fixVersion in earliestUnreleasedVersionByReleaseDate(projectKey)


Issues with a fixVersion that matches the unreleased version with the earliest release date

issueFunction in addedAfterSprintStart(boardName, sprintName)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

Issues that were added to a sprint after it started. See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions.

issueFunction in removedAfterSprintStart(boardName, sprintName)


Issues that were removed from a sprint after it started

issueFunction in incompleteInSprint(boardName, sprintName)


Issues that were not completed in a sprint

issueFunction in completeInSprint(boardName, sprintName)


Issues that were completed in a sprint

issueFunction in nextSprint(boardName)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

Issues that are in the next sprint for a given Agile board. See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions.

issueFunction in previousSprint(boardName)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

Issues that are in the previous sprint for a given Agile board. See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions.

issueFunction in inSprint(boardName, sprintName)

Both versions of ScriptRunner use JQL Functions. However, this feature has been implemented as Enhanced Search within ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

Issues that are in a given sprint. See ScriptRunner Enhanced Search JQL Functions.