Differences between ScriptRunner for Jira Server/DC and Jira Cloud

Feature Differences

ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud does not have the same feature set as the Server/Data Center version. You can learn about the parity for each individual ScriptRunner for Server/Data Center feature in our Feature Parity table. We also provide details on workaround script/function alternatives where there is currently no parity with Cloud.

As it is not possible to integrate directly into the standard search functionality that Jira Cloud provides, the ScriptRunner Enhanced Search functionality provides the ability to run advanced JQL functions on your Jira filters in a similar way to ScriptRunner for Jira Server. ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud follows the same principles as Jira Server, but the execution model is significantly different due to the differences in extension points between the Atlassian Connect framework used to write add-ons in the Cloud, and the Plugins V2 framework used behind the firewall for implementations. Atlassian Connect is also inherently asynchronous, which means that when a script executes, the user may see the page load before the script has completed.


Scripts in Jira Cloud do not execute within the same process as Jira Server and so must interact with Jira using the REST APIs rather than the JAVA APIs.