Recent Release Notes

July 2024

Send emails with scripts

You can now use a custom script to send an email

June 2024

Updated User Journey

Now, when you're installing ScriptRunner for Confluence Cloud, you will be automatically be taken to the Browse page after clicking Get Started.

From the Browse page, you can search and discover ScriptRunner functionality, including scripts and macros.

March 2024

A New Editor 

We've replaced our in-app editor component with the new Code Editor.

Importantly, this gives us a platform for future improvements. However, there are immediate benefits to this release: you get inline documentation (press Control+Space when completions are open), hover over methods and classes to see documentation, see completions automatically as you type, find and replace, and more. 

This editor has autocomplete for the following code: 

  • Groovy
  • Atlassian REST API
  • Custom ScriptRunner-defined script variables 

February 2024

Update to Copy Space built-in script

Previously, you could choose to copy the permissions of a space if you had a paid version of Confluence Cloud when working with Copy Space. This is no longer supported, so we removed the option to copy permissions. When you copy a space, default permissions are always applied.

This change applies to both the Confluence Administration built-in script and Space Adminstration built-in script. 

January 2024

Increased script timeout limits

We have increased the duration of timeouts for script executions!

The previous limit was set at 120 seconds; now, we have increased this limit to 240 seconds for script executions.

October 2023

Groovy version upgrade

We updated ScriptRunner for Confluence Cloud to Groovy 4 on October 4 2023! 

Other new features in Groovy 4: 

The following are the most significant new features that have been added in Groovy 4 :

Please have a look at the Groovy 4 Release Notes for a complete list of new features.

Breaking changes that could affect your scripts

Visit Breaking Changes to learn how Groovy 4 could affect and break your scripts.

December 2021

Bugs Fixed

Key Summary Resolution

November 2021

New Custom Macro Feature

A Custom Macro feature has been added to ScriptRunner for Confluence Cloud! Using custom macros, you can write your own static content macros. To see this macro in use, check out Example: Stock Exchange Price.

October 2021

Macro Migration

When you migrate from ScriptRunner for Confluence Server or Data Center to ScriptRunner for Confluence Cloud, macros are unsupported and need to be replaced with a supported Cloud macro. Macro Migration Tips has step-by-step instructions for migrating your existing Add Label, Choose Label, and Page Info macros. 

Space Administration Navigation Change

The space administration scripts navigation has changed. Check Space Administration Built-In Scripts for more information. 

August 2021

Macros Administration Page

We've added the Macros ScriptRunner Administration page! 

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