Custom Endpoint

Follow this task to create a custom REST endpoint:

  1. Select the Cog icon, and then select General Configuration.

  2. Scroll to the ScriptRunner section in the left-hand navigation, and then select REST Endpoints.

  3. Select Add a New Item, and then select the Custom Endpoint

Use the following REST endpoint example to examine the different parts of the script:

Include Bitbucket for Confluence: An error occured

Failed to connect to Bitbucket. Check the Application Link for Bitbucket Data Center or the permissions of the app password for Bitbucket Cloud. Error details: 503:

Line 8: This line makes methods in your script recognizable as endpoints, which is required.

Line 10: The name of the REST endpoint, which forms part of the URL. In this example, it is  doSomething.

Line 11: This line configures the endpoint and determines which HTTP verb to handle and what group to allow.

Line 12: This line contains parameters that are provided to your method body.

Line 13: The body of your method, where you will return a object.

You can add this REST endpoint to the list of configured endpoints as an inline script or by copying into a file and adding that file as a script file. To test this endpoint, type this text into your browser:

Notice the last part of the text is the name doSomething.


Alternatively, you could type this into the command line utility:

  • Again, notice the name doSomething in each command.

  • admin:admin corresponds to a username and password.

curl -u admin:admin <confluence_base_url>/rest/scriptrunner/latest/custom/doSomething

If you are using a file, you can change the response. You may need to select the Scan button on the REST Endpoints page before calls to the endpoint return the new response. See the section on Script Root Scanning.


The general format of a method defining a REST endpoint is:

methodName (Map configuration, Closure closure)

For the configuration, only the following options are supported:



Choose one of: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE


One or more groups. If the requesting user is in any of the groups, the request is allowed.

Either or both of these can be omitted. If you omit the groups attribute, the endpoint will be available to unauthenticated users.

Use these parameters for the closure:




This corresponds to the URL parameters.



This is the body of the request for httpMethod (POST, PUT, etc.).



This returns the requesting user for the instance.

You can use any of these forms for your closure:

something() { MultivaluedMap queryParams ->
something() { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body ->
something() { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body, HttpServletRequest request ->

The contents of your closure depends on what you need access to.

Access Request URL

Sometimes you may need to use the URL path after your method name. In the following example, you want to retrieve /foo/bar:


Use the 3-parameter form of the closure definition and call the getAdditionalPath method from the base class.

For example:

doSomething() { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body, HttpServletRequest request -> def extraPath = getAdditionalPath(request) // extraPath will contain /foo/bar when called as above }

In previous versions, an extraPath variable was used in the scripts. However, this is not thread-safe. Use the method above.

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