Confluence Events and Descriptions

To work with our Event Listeners scripts, you must select an event for each listener. The field looks like this: 

The following lists contain commonly used events and a description for each. The Event is the value you select, and the Description describes when the listener is triggered. 

Attachment Events

AttachmentBatchUploadCompletedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a batch of attachments is finished uploading.
AttachmentCreateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when an attachment is created.


If you select this event, the listener is triggered when any attachment event occurs.


If you select this event, the listener is triggered when an attachment is removed.


If you select this event, the listener is triggered when an attachment is deleted and sent to the trash.


If you select this event, the listener is triggered when an attachment is updated.


If you select this event, the listener is triggered when an attachment version is removed.


If you select this event, the listener is triggered when an attachment is viewed.

All of the attachment events also exist for General and Hidden attachments.

Blog Post Events

BlogPostCreateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a blog post is created.
BlogPostEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any blog post event occurs.
BlogPostMovedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a blog post is moved.
BlogPostRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a blog post is removed.
BlogPostRestoreEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a blog post is restored from the trash.
BlogPostTrashedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a blog post is deleted and sent to the trash.
BlogPostUpdateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a blog post is updated.
BlogPostViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a blog post is viewed.

Comment Events

CommentCreateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a comment is created.
CommentEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any comment event occurs.
CommentRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any comment is removed.
CommentUpdateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any comment is updated.

Label Events



LabelAddEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a label is added to Confluence content.
LabelCreateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a label is created. 
LabelDeleteEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a label is deleted from Confluence content.
LabelEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any label event occurs.
LabelRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a label is removed from Confluence content.

Like Events


LikeCreatedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when content is liked.
LikeRemovedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a like on content is removed.

Page Events

PageCopyEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is copied.
PageCreateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is created.
PageCreateFromTemplateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is created from a stored template.
PageEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any page event occurs.
PageMoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is moved.
PageRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is removed.
PageRestoreEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is restored from the trash.
PageTrashedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is deleted and sent to the trash.
PageUpdateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is updated.
PageViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is viewed.

Space Events

AttachmentListViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when an attachment list for the space is viewed.
PageListViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page list for the space is viewed.
RemoveSpaceViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when views for a space are removed.
SpaceAdminViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space admin views the space.
SpaceArchivedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space is archived.
SpaceCreateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space is created.
SpaceEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any space event occurs.
SpaceLabelsViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when labels applied to a space are viewed.
SpacePermissionsUpdateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when space permissions are updated.
SpacePermissionsViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when space permissions are viewed.
SpaceRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space is removed.
SpaceTrashEmptyEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space's trash is emptied.
SpaceTrashViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space's trash is viewed. 
SpaceUnArchivedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space is un-archived. 
TemplateListViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a space's template list is viewed.

Other Events

ContentEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any content event occurs.
ContentHistoricalVersionRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when historical content versions are removed.
ContentNotificationAddedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when content notifications are added.
ContentNotificationEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any content notification event occurs.
ContentNotificationRemovedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when content notifications are removed.
ContentPermissionEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any content permission event occurs.
GlobalPermissionChangeEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when global permisisons are changed.
GlobalPermissionEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any global permissions event occurs.
GlobalPermissionRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when global permissions are removed.
GlobalPermissionsUpdateEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when global permissions are updated.
GlobalPermissionsViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when global permissions are viewed.
GlobalSettingsChangedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when global settings are changed.
GlobalSettingsViewEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when global settings are viewed.
NotificationEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any notification event occurs.
PageMoveCompletedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when a page is finished moving.
PermissionEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any permission event occurs.
SpaceNotificationAddedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when space notifications are added.
SpaceNotificationEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any space notification event occurs.
SpaceNotificationRemovedEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when space notifications are removed.
SpacePermissionChangeEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when space permissions are changed.
SpacePermissionEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when any space permission event occurs.
SpacePermissionRemoveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when space permissions are removed.
SpacePermissionSaveEventIf you select this event, the listener is triggered when space permissions are saved.

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