Versions History

The Version History macro makes it easy to display versioning information about any page in a list.

Formerly part of the separate Page Info plugin, the Version History macro is now a native feature of ScriptRunner for Confluence.

Using the Version History macro on a Confluence page

To use the macro, follow these steps: 

  1. Click Insert > Other Macros.

  2. Select the Version History macro from the provided list.

  3. Complete the desired fields.

    • Page: Specify the page name for which version history information is displayed. The variables $self (the default) and $parent are accepted. 
    • Date Format: Specify the format in which the date is displayed. For example, DD MM YYYY - hh:mm aa. The default is MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm.
    • Reverse Order: Display the version history list in reverse order. 
    • First: Specify how many results are displayed. Display only the first x entries. 
  4. Select Insert, and the Version History macro appears in edit mode.


Once you save or update the Confluence page, the Version History macro appears on the page.

On this page