Bulk Delete Comments

You can delete all comments, including inline comments, (or all comments older than a selected number of days or between a date range) for a page or multiple pages using Bulk Delete Comments. This is useful, for example, when comments become irrelevant due to content changes.

If the comment has been modified, the age refers to the modified date not the creation date.

  1. Navigate to General Configuration > ScriptRunner > Built-In Scripts
  2. Select Bulk Delete Comments
  3. Enter the space you want to work with in Space
  4. When Page Tree(s) appears, you can select specific pages within the space to work with, or you can select the entire space.
  5. Select the Comment Age of items to be deleted. The Preset Filters are:

    • Older Than 6 Months

    • Older Than 1 Year

    • Older Than 2 Years
    • Created Within Last Month

    • All

    • A Custom Filter. Your choices are:

      • Created within the last
        Created Within the Last appears, where you can enter a number and Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to determine the age of attachments to delete.
      • Older than
        Older Than 
        appears, where you can enter a number and Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to determine the age of attachments to delete.
      • Created Between Range
        Created between/range appears where you can select two dates to determine the age of attachments to delete.
  6. Select whether you want to send Notifications for this update. If you check the box, updates will go to all users who watch the page.
  7. Select Run.
    You can select Preview instead of Run to view changes before implementing them.

    Results: Once you select Run, the Results of the script appear and comments within the specified time range are deleted.