Bulk Delete Attachments

You can delete all attachments (or all attachments within the selected time range) for a page or multiple pages using Bulk Delete Attachments. This saves time and energy when there are many attachments that need to be removed.

If the attachment has been modified, the age refers to the modified date, not the creation date.

Follow these steps to run the built-in script:

  1. Fill out Space to run the built-in script for a particular space.

    Once you select a space, Select One or More Page Trees appears.

  2. Select which pages you want to work with by selecting the checkbox next to them.

  3. Select the Attachment Age of items to be deleted. The Preset Filters are:

    • Older Than 6 Months

    • Created Within Last Month

    • All

    • You can also select Custom Filters by selecting one in the drop-down.

      After selecting a Custom Filter, fields appear where you choose inputs. The Custom Filter choices are:

      • Created Within the Last

      • Older Than 1 Year

      • Older Than 2 Years
      • Created Between / Range

  4. Select Run.

    You can select Preview instead of Run to view changes before implementing them.

    Once you select Run, the Results of the script appear and attachments within the specified time range.