Web Panel Breaking Change/Deprecation for Bitbucket 9

The way you can add a provider class/script for web panels is different after upgrading to Bitbucket 9.0

Most simple scripts, like writer.write("some HTML"), will continue to work correctly.

This breaking change only impacts users who used class implementations of the Atlassian WebPanel interface for the `Provider class/script`

We recommend you fix/update the Show a web panel provider class/scripts, as described below. 

Fix/Update the Show a web panel provider class/scripts

The following is an example of an outdated provider class/script

import com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.WebPanel class MyWebPanel implements WebPanel { @Override String getHtml(Map<String, Object> context) { "" } @Override void writeHtml(Writer writer, Map<String, Object> context) throws IOException { writer.write("<div>Hello World!</div>") } }

In this script the writeHtml method will be ignored with Bitbucket 9.0 and the import has been deprecated. You can update these as follows:

  • Update the getHtml/writeHtml methods:
    • Problem: The writeHtml method will be ignored, so any content generated using this method alone will not be rendered.
    • Solution: From now on, only use the getHtml method to return the HTML content that you want the panel to render.
  • Update the WebPanel interface:
    • ProblemIf you're using Atlassian's com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.model.WebPanel interface, this has now been deprecated. Using the deprecated interface will still compile until Atlassian fully removes it in a later release. However, we recommend you update to the new interface now if you were using it in your script to avoid this breaking in the future.
    • Solution: Replace the `com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.WebPanel` Import with `com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.model.WebPanel` instead.

The fixed/updated script would look something like this:

import com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.model.WebPanel class MyWebPanel implements WebPanel { @Override String getHtml(Map<String, Object> context) { "<div>Hello World!</div>" } @Override void writeHtml(Writer writer, Map<String, Object> context) throws IOException { // not used } }
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