Clone Repository Configuration
This clones the configuration of an existing repository to a new empty repository.
In Bitbucket 5.2.0+ if the existing repository inherits particular configuration items from the project then the Target Project Settings are inherited for the cloned repository.
You can set up one or more template repositories, and then clone them when creating new repositories, in order to ensure the correct settings for hooks and pull requests etc.
The following configuration items are replicated in the new repository:
Repository permissions, including whether the source repository is publicly accessible and forkable
Branch permissions
Enabled hooks settings
Branch model
This is of limited utility as some settings in the branch model cannot be set until the branch exists, such as the production branch.
Pull request settings (those that are shipped with Bitbucket)
Minimum number of approvals
Require all tasks to be resolved (useful in conjunction with adding default tasks to new pull requests)
Minimum number of successful builds
Require all reviewers to approve the pull request (Bitbucket Server 4.9+ only)
Enabled merge strategies and default merge strategy (Bitbucket Server 4.9+ only)
ScriptRunner features
Pre hooks
Post hooks
Merge checks