Release 7.x


Bug Fixes

Key Summary Status


Groovy 3 Update

This is the update you have all been waiting for, we have updated ScriptRunner for Bitbucket to Groovy 3! What comes with this update and how will it benefit you? 

To start, the language parser has been reimplemented in Groovy 3 under the Parrot Parser codename. This new parser brings a number of syntax improvements which could benefit you as a user of ScriptRunner. The Groovy 3 syntax improvements include the following:

In addition, there are a handful of minor general improvements, for example new GDK methods or the @NullCheck AST transformation.

For a full list of changes see the release notes for Groovy 3

Breaking Changes

There are a number of known breaking changes in Groovy 3. The breaking changes include relocation of some classes to different packages. All the other breaking changes for Groovy 3 are listed in the release notes. There are also some additional minor breaking changes in Groovy 3.0.5. and Groovy 3.0.8.

We don't believe that any of these changes are significant, or that they should affect a large number of ScriptRunner users. However, there is a chance this update may cause some of your scripts to fail. 

If you have any issues please contact our customer support team here

SrSpecification is Deprecated

In the past, when writing tests, we provided an example to extend com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.common.admin.SrSpecification

SrSpecification will be removed in a future release of ScriptRunner, but is still available in the current release. From now on please use spock.lang.Specification as the base for your tests. 

Jsoup update

We have updated our internal version of Jsoup to 1.15.3 due to a potential vulnerability. The key change is the replacement of with Please find more information at

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