Require a Minimum Number of Approvers
Require a Minimum Number of Approvers
This simply requires that some provided number of reviewers have approved the pull request. This is already available on a per-repo basis, where you can require that pull requests are reviewed by, say, two reviewers. But, what makes this powerful is that you can combine this with see conditions to create a powerful git workflow. Examples:
Requiring additional reviewers when the changed files includes sensitive code
- Requiring fewer reviewers when the target is a long-term feature branch
- Requiring more reviewers when the source is on a hotfix branch, and the target branch is your release branch
This simply requires that some provided number of reviewers have approved the pull request. This is already available on a per-repo basis, where you can require that pull requests are reviewed by, say, two reviewers. But, what makes this powerful is that you can combine this with see conditions to create a powerful git workflow. Examples:
Requiring additional reviewers when the changed files includes sensitive code
- Requiring fewer reviewers when the target is a long-term feature branch
Requiring more reviewers when the source is on a hotfix branch, and the target branch is your release branch