- Released 25 March 2020.
Bug Fixes
SRPLAT-999 - Script Editor - deprecations of inner classes are now correctly shown.
SRBITB-412 - There was a static type checking error when using projectKey in JQL query template.
SRPLAT-931 - The code editor did not show method deprecation warnings for SAL.
SRBITB-682 - Deprecation hints were enabled in Script Editor for Bitbucket 7.
SRBITB-678 - Deprecation hints were enabled in Script Editor for Bitbucket 6.
- Released 11 March 2020.
New Features
SRBITB-631 - When configuring pathsMatch, you can now include only LFS files.
Bug Fixes
SRPLAT-962 - Cron descriptions now display the correct weekday.
- Released 27 Feb 2020.
New Features
SRBITB-631 - When configuring pathsMatch, you can now include only LFS files.
SRBITB-355 - The Require Commits to Be Associated with Jira Issue script now has an option to check commit messages, not branch names, to ensure that every commit that is merged into master has a Jira issue key.
Bug Fixes
SRPLAT-948 - Conditions on Web Fragments created prior to release 5.6.15 are now visible.
SRBITB-299 - The CreateDefaultPullRequestTasks listener had conflicts with WorkZone listeners.