- Released 10 Aug 2017.
This release was mainly for compatibility with Bitbucket Server 5.2.0.
In particular we had to make changes to the clone repository built-in script for copying items inherited from the project level. Further details on how this script works alongside project level settings inheritance in 5.2.0 can be found here.
Bug Fixes
- [SRBITB-242] - BB 5.2.2 - Ensure that repository cloning maintains project inheritance
- Released 07 Aug 2017.
This release was mainly for compatibility with Bitbucket Server 5.1.0.
In particular we had to make changes to the clone repository built-in script for copying branch configuration.
Bug Fixes
- [SRBITB-239] - Fix clone repository copy branch config not working on 5.1+
- [SRBITB-240] - Fix MultiValuedMapImpl class not found for clone repository script
- [SRBITB-241] - Clone repo should copy scope from branch model configuration for 5.1.3+
- Released 04 July 2017.
Copying Pull Request Settings Restored
The clone a repository built-in script now copies all pull request settings over.
You can see the documentation for what configuration items that will be copied over.
Bug Fixes
- [SRBITB-235] - Event handler registered with no events should not be executed
- [SRBITB-236] - Restore copying pull request settings over for clone repo script in Bitbucket 5
- [SRBITB-237] - Class not found for some event types
- Released 26 March 2017.
User Interface Updated
With version 5.0.0 we’ve done a major overhaul of the user interface, allowing for a more user friendly experience and providing a better way of navigating through all sections of ScriptRunner.
Scripts are also now better organized and easier to access allowing for a quicker access to the desired script through a collapse and expand buttons. Together with this, we’ve decided to removed the slow auto-scroll when a script was being edited for a more snappy experience.