ScriptRunner for Bamboo is retiring!

ScriptRunner for Bamboo will be retired on 8th December 2022.

If you have any questions, please visit Adaptavist Product Support.

Configuration Exporter

Use the Configuration Exporter built-in script to export extension configuration information to a descriptor (YAML) file. The YAML file contains information required to configure built-in extension points such as listeners, hooks, macros, and UI fragments, etc.

Using this file within Script Plugins when migrating from one instance to another, allows scripts to be automatically configured, saving time and ensuring consistency across instances.

  1. To create the YAML file, first navigate to Built-in Scripts > Configuration Exporter from ScriptRunner.

  2. Items with configurations available for export are shown in the Export What field. Select the items you wish to generate the YAML for. Multiple items can be exported to one YAML file.

    The Note field is used to distinguish one item from another, only items with notes are shown. Ensure the Note field has a value for all configuration items you wish to export.

  3. Click Run to generate the YAML snippet. Copy the snippet and paste it into your scriptrunner.yaml file.

    You can manually edit the code yourself to add more items, though it’s generally easier to re-generate the YAML file using the Configuration Exporter script.