Execution History

Understanding the effects of ScriptRunner scripts on your Bamboo instance is critical for successful platform management. Use Execution History to view up to two years of execution times and failure rates of ScriptRunner scripts in your instance, allowing a long-term view of script performance.

Using the extended history, observe if a script is getting slower over time, or if slow performance correlates with specific events (such as Bamboo or app upgrades). Execution History provides long-term analytics allowing you to develop scripts and change execution timings, to keep your instance performing at an optimal level. Viewable executions include listeners, jobs, and REST endpoints.

To view the execution history of your ScriptRunner script:

  1. Navigate to the script location. For example, to view the execution history of a job, navigate to Custom Scheduled Job.

  2. Click the text under the History column, and the Execution History  window appears.

    New version
  3. Click the success (green checkmark) or failure (red X) symbol to view each execution. The Execution History window shows in-depth data and logs for each script execution.

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    Execution History comprises four sections:

    • Time - Time the task was executed.
    • Logs - Displays log information for the specific execution.

    • Payload - Data sent when the script executed. 

    • Timing - Time taken for the script to execute, including Elapsed and CPU Time.


An execution history gramp for the script shows Duration  and Node  data. To see this information, select the Performance icon.

New version

You can select the Duration  options to change the scale of the x-axis.

If you have ScriptRunner for Bamboo Data Center, you can select the Node option to switch between nodes. 

New version

Each graph segment represents a 30-minute block.

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