Link SearchMy to Jira Server/DC

To get started with SearchMy and generate reports on Jira issues in Slack, complete the following tasks:

  1. Add SearchMy to your Jira Server/DC instance

  2. Connect the Jira Server/DC instance to SearchMy

Adding SearchMy to Your Jira Server/DC Instance

If you are a Jira administrator who wants to connect SearchMy to your Jira instance, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Application Links page for your Jira instance.

  2. Enter in the Configure Application Links field.

  3. Click Create New Link.
    A warning appears.

  4. Click Continue on the “No response was received from the URL you entered” warning screen.

  5. In the Link Applications window, enter SearchMy for the Application Name, and set the Application Type to Generic Application.

  6. Select the Create Incoming Link checkbox, but leave the remaining fields blank.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. Enter the following values on the final Link Applications screen:

    • SearchMyProd in the Consumer Key field.

    • SearchMy in the Consumer Name field.

    • And copy/paste the following code into the Public Key field, including the BEGIN PUBLIC KEY and END PUBLIC KEY text.

  9. To complete the application link configuration, click Continue.
    The new application link appears in Jira. 

Connecting the Jira Server/DC Instance to SearchMy

Once you've added SearchMy to your Jira applications, you're ready to connect it to a Jira Server/DC instance.
Repeat these steps for each Jira instance you'd like to connect to SearchMy.

  1. Enter /searchmy connections in Slack, then press Enter.
    The Jira instances you have configured using the steps in the previous section appear in the drop-down list. 
  2. Select the Jira instance you want to connect to SearchMy from the drop-down list.
    The Jira instance connects with SearchMy.
  3. Click Connect to finalise the connection.
    The Welcome to Jira authentication screen opens in a new tab.
  4. Click Allow.
    A Launch Application window appears.
  5. Ensure Slack is the Send To option, then click Open Link.

You can now use the /searchmy commands and view your Jira-issues report in Slack.

IP Whitelisting

If your Jira instance is is not publicly available you will need to add/safelist our static IP address,, to your firewall to allow incoming calls.

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