Hide UI Element

The Atlassian applications are supremely flexible, but this comes at the cost of some complexity.

This built-in script allows you to hide any system web item or panel, or those that are provided by plugins. This built-in script will only hide the web item - if your users can work out the URL that is invoked, they will be able to do the action. This is more for the purpose of reducing clutter, to allow users to focus on the most important elements in the user interface.

To be more specific, it allows you to add additional conditions to these UI elements, so you can control more precisely when they are displayed.

This script can be confusing in use.

  • Don’t confuse your users. If you remove a menu item, make sure you document it and explain to your users why it’s not available.
  • Don’t confuse Atlassian Support. Don’t forget you have done this and raise a support request with Atlassian. You can see all the hidden items at Admin > Script Fragments. Alternatively, disabling ScriptRunner will restore anything that it is hiding. Before raising a ticket about a missing item, please check the hidden items to ensure this script is not the reason.